What does GPA stand for
Grade Point Average
If your friend is crying in the bathroom. where should they go?
They should get a pass from their teacher and go to the Eagle Center to see their counselor
How many credits do you need for graduation?
Your friend Barbie is mad at your mutual friend Teresa for telling Ken he's not "Kenough" and has made it clear they don't want you to be friends with Theresa anymore. You don't want to stop being friends with Theresa but you feel conflicted. How should you respond?
Option A: stop being friends with Theresa
Option B: tell Barbie you're not comfortable with that but that you understand why she is upset and want to help her through it
Option C: tell Barbie she's not Kenough either and you're supporting Theresa
What is one item of clothing that you can't wear above your neck?
Hats of any kind
What grades would you need to get a 4.0 GPA
All A's
Which staff member in the eagle center has a strict confidentiality agreement
School counselors only
Fill in the blank. After high school, you have can go the following routes:
Trade School
Enter the work force
Military Service
Someone is threatening to fight you after school. Which staff member(s) could help you in this situation?
Guns, pocket knives, pepper spray, defense items, throwing stars, and etc are considered _________ and could result in suspension, expulsion and criminal charges.
In order to be eligible to do credit retrieval classes (if needed), you would need to get what grade in the class:
A: 60% or better
B: 70% or better
C: 50% or better
Trigger warning
If you or someone you know is feeling suicidal or talking about suicide, who should you tell?
Any staff member. Even though it's hard, you should talk to an adult to get help. Even if that means your friend won't talk to you anymore
You're failing multiple assignments in your class and don't know what to do. Besides your teacher, what staff member could you talk to for help?
Your grad coach!
You're going on a camping trip and will be gone during one of your tests. Which staff member should you talk to and WHEN should you do that?
Your teacher BEFORE you go on your trip
If you get caught ditching class or have too many tardies, your teacher will write you a _________ which would lead to detention or not being allowed to leave class.
There are 2 staff members in the eagle center that can help you with academics. Name these 2 staff members
School counselor and academic advisor
If your school counselor is not available and but you are not upset, what could you do to make sure you talk to them?
What is the lowest grade you can get in a class in order to get the credits WITHOUT lowering your GPA?
You're in the bathroom when a group of other students enters with a vape. You leave the bathroom and see an SMT standing in front of you asking why it smells like vape. You do not vape, but you're scared of getting in trouble. Pick the best way to respond.
A. Tell them you didn't see anyone vaping
B. Tell them the truth that people are vaping in there but that you don't vape
C. Refuse to speak
Are crop tops allowed?
Yes, if you have pants that come up high enough or wear a zipped up sweatshirt
What is a transcript and how do you get a copy of yours?
A copy of all classes taken in high school and the grades you received. You can get this from the Eagle Center
A school counselor helps in 3 different areas (hint: they are put somewhere in this gameboard)
Academics, Social Emotional, Graduation Planning
What is the purpose of taking assessments such as the SAT or ACT
To help with admissions and placement in colleges/programs. (It also helps you achieve the "essential skills" needed for high school graduation
You feel that a teacher is being inappropriate with students. What 3 staff members could you talk to about this
SMT, Vice Principal, Counselor
Vaping is not allowed at all. What is the consequence of being found using or in possession of a vape?