peripheral structures of ear
What is external ear, middle ear, inner ear
cause otitis media
what is colds or allergies
acute otitis media
what is infection of the typanum, ossicles, and space of middle ear
inner ear structures
what is bony and membranous labyrinth
cause of external otitis
what is trauma, bacteria
middle ear function
what is equalize atmospheric air pressure and move and transmit sound waves
external ear structures
what is auricle, auditory canal
ear diagnostic test
what is otoscope, tuning fork test, audiometry
s&s acute otitis media
what is tympanum red, bulging and painful, decreased hearing, fever
administering ear drops in adult
what is pull the ear back and up
complication acute otitis media
what is perforation of tympaic membrane
s & s external otitis
what is pain, chewing discomfort, and muffled hearing
middle ear structures
what is tympanic membrane, auditory ossicles, eustachian tube
what is spongy bone grows from bony labyrinth and immobilizes stapes
nrsg care acute otitis media
what is medication, surgery
nrsg care external otitis
what is otoscopic exam, c&s of discharge, moist heat, medication
s&s otosclerosis
what is conductive hearing loss
what is loss of peripheral auditory sensitivity & word recognition ability, difficulty to hear high frequency sounds
external otitis
what is inflammation of auricle and ear canal
what is build up of endolymph
inner ear problems
what is vertigo, sensorineural hearing loss, tinnitus
what is purulent exudate & inflammation that involve ossicles, eustachian tube & mastoid bone
nrsg care otosclerosis
what is hearing aids, drug therapy, surgery
meniere's s&s
what is sudden, severe attacks of vertigo with N+V, sweating & pallor
s&s mastoiditis
what is nausea, dizziness, hearing loss