This part of your ear is on the outside of your head and helps catch sounds.
You should wear these to protect your ears when sounds are too loud.
Your ears never stop doing this, even when you're asleep!
What is listening?
These sea creatures don’t have ears but can still "hear" vibrations in the water.
What is a fish?
This thin part inside your ear vibrates when sound hits it, just like a drum.
What is the eardrum (tympanic membrane)?
Sounds louder than this number of decibels can hurt your hearing over time.
What is 85 decibels?
Your ear makes this yellow, sticky substance to keep dirt and germs out.
What is wax?
True or false: Or ears and nose never stop growing.
What is true?
These are the three tiny bones in your middle ear.
What are the ossicles?
You should do this when music is too loud.
What is turning the volume down?
Some animals, like rabbits and owls, can do this with their ears, but (most) humans can’t!
What is move them around?
The inside of your ear is about the same size as this small food.
What is a pea?
This spiral-shaped part of your inner ear looks like a snail.
What is the cochlea?
True or False: Once hair cells in your inner ear are damaged, they grow back.
What is false?
Your two ears help you figure out where a sound is coming from, also called this skill.
What is localization?
Elephants have huge ears, but this small insect has the best hearing in the animal kingdom.
What is a moth?