physical activity promoted individual health and can also be asocial activity? ture or false
What is the main cognitive development of emerging adulthood?
the ability to think abstractly
what it is called when an individual's behavioral style and characteristic emotional responses?
what are some challenges early adulthood people with bipolar disorder face?
Depressive episodes
Which of the following is a defining feature of Arnett's "stage" of emerging adulthood?
ability to choose among multiple life directions
How will preschool prepare my child for kindergarten?
by making sure children know how to appropriately interact with each other, make their needs known, and perform simple personal care tasks, such as hand washing or using the restroom.
What major cognitive changes occur in adulthood and old age?
declines in performance on cognitive tasks that require one to quickly process or transform information to make a decision.
what are some major social and emotional developments in early adulthood?
Developing emotional stability
how does bipolar disorders affects a early adulthood life?
Unusual changes in mood, activity, and energy.
Research shows that age-related gains in self-esteem extending from adolescence through emerging adulthood are ________.
similar across generations
How will early childhood education help my child in later years?
It provides a strong foundation for later academic, social, and emotional growth.
What are the physical and cognitive strengths of early adulthood?
muscle strength, reaction time, sensory abilities, and cardiac functioning
which social emotional task occurs during early adulthood?
established intimate relationships and not feel isolated from others.
what is it called when a disorder can acquired in early adulthood?
Post traumatic stress disorder
Compared to young people of previous generations, today's emerging adults are more likely to ________.
be concerned about addressing global problems
How does physical development impact children?
help with the development of personal and social skills such as self-confidence, interaction, taking turns, getting along with others and so on.
Which cognitive abilities improves throughout adulthood?
Verbal memory, spatial skills, inductive reasoning
what are the emotional challenges of early childhood?
establishing a secure personal identity, forming mature relationships etc.
What are symptoms early adulthood face with PTSD?
Flashbacks, Distressing thoughts, Physical sings of stress
Which of the following 19-year-olds is least likely to experience emerging adulthood?
Rajesh, an Indian farmer living in a rural area
What are the four developmental tasks of adulthood?
dependence, counter-dependence, independence, interdependence.
Which cognitive ability is most affected by aging?
attention and memory
which development task you think is the most difficult during early adulthood and why?
Learning to manage money
what are some signs early adulthood individuals face with bipolar disorders?
Impulsive behavior, irritability, loss of interest in favored activities etc.
Research suggests that the appearance of emerging adulthood as a bridge between adolescence and assumption of adult responsibilities is ________.
a cultural trend that began as early as the 1970s in industrialized nations