Define Neutrality
To remain neutral (no taking sides).
America’s first two political parties were the -
Federalists and Democratic-Republicans
What event made the land of the Louisiana Purchase less valuable to France?
The Haitian Revolution
The U.S. president during the War of 1812.
James Madison
What is The Indian Removal Act?
The Act from Andrew Jackson that forced the Native Americans off of their land and onto reservations.
Define Isolationism
The belief that a nation should stay out of the affairs of other nations.
Signed the Alien & Sedition Acts into law.
John Adams
The Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison (1803) is most closely associated with—
Judicial Review
Why were people in the South upset about the Tariff of 1816?
Because all the manufacturing was happening in the North and the tariffs just made things more expensive for them to buy. They thought it was favoring the North.
What did Jackson threaten to send to South Carolina to end the Nullification Crisis?
The military
Define Alliance
A partnership
Which political party preferred power to be held by state governments?
Secured the Louisiana Purchase from France.
Thomas Jefferson
What are the 3 parts of the American System?
1. Strong banking system
2. Improved transportation networks
3. Protective tariffs
Did Andrew Jackson favor the National Bank?
No, he vetoed it's charter.
What are 2 of the things Washington warned about in his Farewell Address.
Not to form political parties
To avoid permanent alliances
To not have Presidents stay in office for too long.
What is The Alien Act?
It gave the President the right to deport any immigrants he thought were "dangerous".
“Judicial review” is the process of—
Determining if a law is constitutional or not.
What are 2 of the causes of the War of 1812?
1. Americans wanted to settle in the West.
2. American being caught in the middle of France and England in the Napoleonic Wars.
Whose order did Andrew Jackson ignore when he went ahead with the Indian Removal Act?
The Supreme Court
How did George Washington respond to the Whiskey Rebellion?
He sent 13,000 troops of squash the rebellion.
Why did Adams think the Alien and Sedition Acts were necessary?
He thought the Quasi War with France was a national security risk and that the Acts were necessary to keep Americans safe.
Why did Thomas Jefferson and his supporters create a new political party prior to the election of 1800?
They were mad about The Alien & Sedition Acts
What is the Monroe Doctrine?
It warned Europeans to stay out of the Americas.
Why is the Battle of New Orleans so significant?
It was fought after the war was already over and it propelled Andrew Jackson to fame.