Indigo was grown in the Carolinas and Georgia. A blue dye was ____________ from the plant.
What is extracted?
The Quakers, who were pacificists, founded this colony, with William Penn as its leader.
What is Pennsylvania?
What is trade?
This ocean was along the east coast of the Americas and separated the continent from Europe and Africa.
What is the Atlantic Ocean?
This group was forced to come to the colonies and perform hard, manual labor. They were also bought and sold.
Who are slaves?
This is a fancy word for "farming."
What is agriculture?
"[We're advancing rapidly]...We...have...a considerable surplus to dispose of among our neighboring colonies." In this quote from 1700 about Pennsylvania colony growing, "surplus" most nearly means this.
What is extra?
This type of colony - like Maryland and eventually Georgia - is owned by the king of England.
What is a royal colony?
The Southern colonies had so much farming and plantation work they relied heavily on these unpaid workers, which were often viewed as property, not people.
What are slaves?
In Maryland, these were the two Christian groups that were in conflict with each other.
Who are Catholics and Protestants?
This is an agricultural product that is sold for a profit.
What is a cash crop?
The Southern colonies were so heavily invested in farming and plantations that they had few of these, which is were processing and manufacturing would take place.
What are factories?
What is the Great Awakening?
Virginia, Maryland, and other Southern colonies grew this cash crop, which was dried, smoked, and highly addictive.
What is tobacco?
They came to the colonies by working for someone that had paid for their travel.
Who are indentured servants?
These were oppressive rules for slaves; some colonies even outlawed teaching them to read and write.
What are slave codes?
In the northern, New England colonies, farmers only grew enough to feed their families, not sell, called this.
What is subsistence farming?
Who are Native Americans?
Slaves brought from Africa to America suffered along the infamous ___________ _____________, where boat conditions were brutal, and many died.
What is the middle passage?
The colony of Georgia started its population by having many of these people that owed money, also called these.
What are debtors?
Government in the American Colonies was unique, in that all people had SOME rights, unlike most of the world. These are two of those rights.
What is a trial by jury and representation?
Due to their many seaports, the New England/northern colonies made money off of these two industries.
What are whaling and shipbuilding?
Because Britain was so far away, the colonies government could be described as this, which included electing representatives and making constitutions.
What is self government?
Slaves and gold came from Africa and went to the Americas. Raw materials, like lumber, then went from America to Britain. Then Britain would make things and sell them in Africa, and this famous trade route would start again.
What is the triangle trade?
This religious group started Pennsylvania and did not believe in violence, also called pacificism.
Who are the Quakers?