Old World &
New World
Slavery and Indentured Servants
Virginia Company and Roanoke
House of Burgesses/Pocahontas
A Bit of Everything

What were the 3 reasons people went to the New World?

Gold, Glory, and God


Name 2 of the 3 crops slaves were imported to grow

Cotton, Sugarcane, and Tobacco


Describe TWO dangers faced while at sea.

Accidents, diseases such as scurvy, dangerous storms, and more


Name THREE things the Jamestown colonists ate during "The Starving Times"

Pets (horses, cats, and dogs), rats/snakes, glue, shoe leather, and dead colonists


What did Pocahontas change her name to after being baptized?



What were the TWO ways John Rolfe saved Jamestown?

Grew tobacco and married Pocahontas


What are the continents that make up the Old World? The New World?

Old World - Europe, Asia, and Africa. New World - North and South America


How long was typically the contracts for indentured servants?

5 - 7 Years (All to gain passage to the New World)


Describe TWO reasons Roanoke is called the Lost Colony

1. Colony was mysteriously abandoned with no survivors. 2. Colony did not show signs of an attack or deaths. 3. Carvings of "Cro" and "Croatoan" inspire mystery


Who did Pocahontas marry to create a truce between the colonists and the N. Americans?

John Rolfe


What does "circumnavigate" mean?

Sail around the world


What was the name of the ship that brought slaves to Jamestown in 1619?

The White Lion


What percentage of Native Americans were wiped out by diseases?



How many slaves were brought through the slave trade?

11 million slaves


Why did John White wait THREE years before returning to Roanoke Colony?

War between English and Spanish forced him to wait until its conclusion


What order did John Smith give the settlers?

"Those who do not work, do not eat"


Name TWO requirements to become a member of the House of Burgesses

Must be a free, adult, male who owned a certain amount of property in the New World


Name THREE animals introduced to the New World

Cows, Goats/Sheep, Chickens, Pigs, Horses


Trading of goods between the Old and New Worlds is called _________

The Colombian Exchange


Describe what conditions were like for indentured servants

Often mistreated and abused by their owners. Kept in poor conditions (lack of food/clothing/medical care) led many dying before their contract finished


Describe how the Virginia Company misled the colonists that traveled and created the colony of Jamestown.

The marketing led the colonists to believe they would find lots of gold and become rich, when there wasn't any gold


Identify and explain TWO problems in the early days of settling Jamestown

1. Settled in a swampy, salty marsh bad for growing crops. Colonists spent time searching for gold when there wasn't any. Colonists angered the NA by relying and taking advantage of their kindness


Describe TWO details about Pocahontas life we discussed

Kidnapped by Jamestown and held as a hostage, married/had a child, traveled to England as part of marketing stunt, caught illness and died age 21 in England


Name ONE food the New World received. Name ONE food the Old Wold received.

NW - Bananas, sugarcane, grapes, and onions

OW - Pumpkins, tobacco, tomatoes, potatoes


Name 2 diseases that wiped out large populations of Native Americans

Smallpox, Measles, and Cholera


Identify TWO reasons why 20% of slaves taken did not survive the journey

1. Starved/Committed Suicide. 2. Deadly Diseases From Poor Living Conditions. 3. Uncooperative Slaves Thrown Overboard/Killed to Send Message to Others


Why did Queen Elizabeth I allow the Virginia Company the right to create New World colonies?

Creating colonies takes lots of money and risk. Queen did not want to take that chance, found people who wanted to attempt to copy the Spanish's success


What were TWO ways John Smith improved Jamestown while he was leader of the colony?

1. Dug a well for fresh water. 2. Expanded/repaired Jamestown fort. 3. Made growing food to be a full time job


What importance does the House of Burgesses have on Americans living in 2023 today?

The HOB was the first democratic government in the English colonies. Our system of government is very similar to the HOB, drawing a connection between our past and present


Describe what "Tobacco Fever" was

The widespread excitement and success in England over the newly acquired tobacco products coming from Jamestown
