First permanent English settlement.
What is Jamestown?
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
What is the Boston Tea Party?
The "shots heard around the world" happened here.
Known for his natural rights theory.
Who is John Locke?
A colony founded as a safe haven for English debtors.
What is Georgia?
The oldest delegate at the Constitutional Convention.
Who is Ben Franklin?
The event during which British soldiers fired upon unarmed colonists sparking outrage.
What is the Boston Massacre?
The British general during the Revolutionary War who surrended at Yorktown.
Who is Cornwallis?
French enlightenment thinker who promoted the idea of three branches of government.
Who is Montesquieu?
The English settlement that disappeared.
What is Roanoke?
The father of the Constitution.
Who is James Madison?
The British decree that forbid colonists from settling west of the Appalachian mountains.
What is the Proclamation of 1763?
The governing document passed during the Revolutionary War.
What is Articles of Confederation?
Cicero talked about the importance of this virtue in a republic.
What is civic virtue?
The settler credited with cultivating tobacco for export from the New World.
Who is John Rolfe?
The first vice-President of the United States.
Who is John Adams?
The document that states that "the sun never shined on a cause of greater worth."
What is Common Sense?
The last significant battle of the Revolutionary War after which the British surrendered.
What is Yorktown?
The English document that first limited the king's power.
What is the Magna Carta?
First French settlement in the New World.
What is Quebec?
One of three authors of the Federalist papers also known as the first secretary of the Treasury.
The first Parliamentary tax on the colonies that taxed playing cards, newspapers, documents, and pamphlets.
What is the Stamp Act?
The treaty (and year) that ends the war.
What is the Treaty of Paris of 1783?
One of the rights found in both the English Bill of Rights and American Bill of Rights.
What is right to trial by jury, no unreasonable searches, or no excessive bail?