Native Peoples
Literary Movements
American Identity
People, Places, and Things
Name at least two theories popularly held in the early nineteenth century about the disappearance of the Native American.
What is the "noble savage," romanticization of the Native American, the "vanishing Indian," a cyclic view of history, and amalgamation?
A popular mode of literary expression that cold be defined as the unwarranted expression of emotion (Fiedler) and stresses feeling over intellect.
What is sentimentalism?
An example of a chaste woman and a villainous woman in Charlotte Temple.
Who are Mrs. Beauchamp and Mademoiselle La Rue?
The writer from West Africa who details his experience in captivity and stresses his culture's value and his own evolution into a British gentleman.
Who is Olaudah Equiano?
The place where Thomas Jefferson experiences a feeling of the sublime.
What is the Natural Bridge of Virginia?
Name at least two techniques Lydia Sigourney uses to raise awareness of the tragic outcome of Andrew Jackson's policies on the Native Americans.
What are direct address, rhetorical questions, domestic metaphors, and use of geographic imagery?
The most popular form that Phillis Wheatley uses.
What is the heroic couplet (or rhyming iambic pentameter)?
Name several qualities of Charlotte lead to her tragic life. (Extra points if you can say how she got this way.)
What are passivity, indecisiveness, persuasion by others, lack of self-direction, and inability to respond to peer pressure?
The virtue among Franklin's Table of Virtues that he has the most trouble acquiring. (Extra points if you can say why.)
What is "order"?
The cities in which Charlotte Temple experiences her childhood and her final downfall.
What are Chichester and New York City?
The Native people whose flight Sigourney memorializes in "Indian Names."
Who are the Cherokee?
A strategy often employed by African American writers in which the writer portrays more than one meaning or "voice" in order to destabilize the dominant mode of discourse and entertain possibly subversive meanings.
What is equivocation or double-voicing?
The Native American minister to whom Phillis Wheatley writes in defense of African American rights. (Extra points if you can name the basis upon which she made her appeal.)
Who is Samson Occom?
Franklin learns this skill from Thevenot's Motions, which later becomes an important potential source of income.
What is swimming?
The story of Rip Van Winkle takes place among these mountains.
What are the Catskills?
The people who pre-dated the appearance of the Native Americans and who assimilated into their culture in William Cullen Bryant's "The Prairies."
Who are the mound-builders?
A type of aesthetic quality that engenders a feeling of elevation inspired by scenes of natural grandeur and in which a mood of exaltation also tempered by fear of loss of self.
What is the sublime?
The definition of Republican Motherhood (from Linda Kerber).
What is a belief that women's patriotic duty was to educate her sons and daughters to be moral and virtuous citizens and that this role elevated her and gave her a degree of political influence, albeit removed and indirect?
Name at least two ways that American society differed from European society for Crevecoeur.
What is religious tolerance, individual ownership of land, lack of bias, blending of national identities, and lack of social class?
The name of the character whose son is killed by poison and curses the European settlers, who suffer a blight on cattle and crops for years afterward.
Who is Chocorua?
The painter who depicted Wi-Jun-Jon (or Pigeon's Egg head) (Extra points if you can comment on what the scene depicts).
Who is George Catlin?
The definition of luminism. (Extra points if you can name a painter who exemplified the tradition.)
What is a style of painting that employs light, atmospheric effects, portrays bodies of water, uses heightened chiaro-scuro effects, and portrays the immobility of the viewer and creates a spiritual scene?
An illustration published sometime between 1795-1805, showing an ideal woman surrounded by her “fallen” sisters. It promises peace and plenty to women who stay “within compass,” while pointing to what happens to those who do not.
What is "Keep Within Compass"?
Explain one or more factors that Thomas Cole and other artists believe contribute to the development of American identity.
What is the landscape and unique features of the land?
Name several ways that the setting has changed after Rip Van Winkle's sleep to suggest that political administrations have changed.
What are a "red nightcap" on a "tall naked pole," the appearance of the "Union Hotel," the picture of General Washington, and the "character of the people"?