These needs include nutritious food, shelter, sleep, exercise and healthy environment.
Physical Needs
Caregivers should have an understanding of child development and _______________.
One way to guide children's behavior is to set an ____________.
This is defined as the failure to provide for a child's basic needs.
A factor for increased risk of abusing children could be this_________________.
answers vary
This need involves building of learning skills such as attention, memory, and thinking.
Cognitive Needs
Caregivers should plan ____________ appropriate activities.
Caregivers should ___________ good behavior from children.
This is any situation where a child is used for sexual gratification.
Sexual Abuse
Unexplained bruises, burns, or welts could be a sign of this type of abuse.
These needs involve the feelings and thoughts your child will have and form.
Emotional Needs
Caregivers should be able to demonstrate ___________.
Caregivers should set clear, _____________ limits.
This is any pattern of behavior that impairs a child's emotional development.
Emotional Abuse
This need is the child's way of understanding other's feelings, control their own, and how to get along with others.
Social Needs
Caregivers need to manage _________ wisely.
Physical injury as a result of hitting, kicking, shaking, burning, or otherwise harming a child.
Physical Abuse
Extremes in behavior such as being overly aggressive to overly passive may be a sign of _________.
Emotional abuse
What are the 4 categories of things children need. Give the 4 categories and an example for each.
Physical, Cognitive, Emotional, Social
Examples will vary
Caregivers should follow _____________ standards.
Malnutrition, poor hygiene, and unattended medical problems of a sign of this.
List four increased risks associated with a history of child abuse.
answers vary