Learning Domains
Exceptional Children
Assessment and Observation
History Class
Who insists that new learning experiences must have some connection or relationship to previous experiences for learning to occur and has "Three Stages of Development"? Page 131
Who is Piaget?
This domain includes fine Motor, gross motor, and Self-care
What is Physical Development
This is a federal act that provides a free and appropriate education to youth between ages three and twenty-one with disabilities in a variety of categories. page 429
What is IDEA? Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
This helps us identify what children know, determine what kind of assistance children need, identify children’s interests and learning styles and determine appropriate placement. (Page 63)
What is Assessment?
He thought children were blank tablets.
Who is Jean-Jacques Rousseau?
Which Theorist used the following key words to describe how he believed children learn: of proximal development 2.intersubjectivity 3.scaffolding Pg. 134
Who is Vygotsky?
This Domain includes Math, Technology, Science, Logic, Literacy & Social Studies
What is Cognitive Development?
This says that students with disabilities must be educated to the maximum extent possible with students who do not have disabilities. (Page 431)
What is Least Restrictive Environment? or LRE
This is the intentional, systematic act of looking at the behavior of a child or children in a particular setting, program or situation.
What is Observation?
This program includes Auto-Education which means children are capable of teaching themselves and the teacher’s role is to make children the center of learning encourage them to learn.
What is the Montessori Method?
What Theorist uses "Self-Actualization" theory that is based on a hierarchy of needs to explain how children learn? Chapter 5
Who is Maslow?
What domain is practiced in centers such as "dress up", "board games", and "dramatic play" .
What is Social-Emotional Development
This is a plan for meeting an exceptional learner’s educational needs that specifies goals, objectives, services, and procedures for evaluating progress. (Page 434)
What is an IEP?
These groups benefit from assessments and observations.
What are Families, Early Childhood Teachers, and the Public?
Most important are the relationships to family, other children, teachers, school, community, and wider society along with the hundred languages plus children’s own sense of time and rhythms.
What are the principles of the ?Reggio Emilia Approach?
Erik Erikson’s First Two Stages Of Psychosocial Development are "Trust vs Mistrust" and "Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt". What are the last two? Chapter 5
What are Stage III: "Initiative vs. Guilt" and Stage IV: "Industry vs. Inferiority"
Communication and Learning your ABC's are both activities for this Learning Domain.
What is Language Development
This is designed to help FAMILIES reach goals for themselves and their children with some of the following support services:special education, speech and language pathology audiology, occupational therapy and physical therapy. Page 434
What is the IFSP or Individualized Family Service Plan?
Assessment helps families in these three ways.
What are 1.communicate with parents to provide information about their children’s progress and learning 2. relate school activities to home activities and experiences 3. assure parents are informed and part of the program
He has eight stages of development in his theory.
Who is Erikson?
Name at least 5 of Howard Gardner’s?Theory of Multiple Intelligences? Categories. Chapter 5
What are: visual/spatial, verbal/linguistic, mathematical/logical, bodily/kinesthetic, musical/rhythmic, intrapersonal interpersonal, naturalist, existential
the Four Major Learning Domains
What are Physical, Social-Emotional, Language, and Cognitive?
5 of the disabilities from IDEA. (You got this)
What are (5 of any of the following: Autism, Deaf-blindness, Developmental delay, Emotional disturbance Hearing impairment, Mental retardation, Multiple disabilities, Orthopedic impairment, Other health impairment, Specific learning disability, Speech or language impairment, Traumatic brain injury, Visual impairment
As an Early Childhood Teacher, five ways I can use Assessment is for:
What are 1.identify children’s skills, abilities, interests, learning styles, needs 2. make lesson and activity plans and set goals 3. create new physical classroom arrangements 4. select materials 5. make decisions about how to implement learning activities 6. report to parents and families about children’s developmental status and achievement 7. monitor and improve teaching-learning process 8. meet the individual needs of children 9. group for instruction 10. make decisions about placement into special education
Plan, Do, Review is this educational Program?
What is High/Scope?