2-3” and 5-7 lbs.
What is the cognitive deficiency that describes children’s inability to distinguish between your own perspective and another’s?
Advances in effortful control over self
What is self-regulation?
First friendships
What are siblings?
Poor nutrition and disease
What is the reason why children in developing countries weigh considerably lower than those in developed countries?
What enhances speed of neural connections in the brain and develops rapidly in early childhood?
Less stage like and more continuous
What describes the critique of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development?
Initiative vs. Guilt
What is Ericsson’s stage that describes the healthy balance between healthy expression and regulation.
What is a concept that young children begin to understand about friendship?
Left handedness
What is often culturally determined to be viewed with fear and contempt?
Person, animal, building, shapes
What can children draw by age 6?
Theory of mind
What is the child’s ability to understand that others have beliefs, intentions, perspectives different from their own.
What is the cultural learning of social expectations?
Simple social and cooperative
What are types of emerging play in young children?
What is 4-5% in 4 traditional cultures?
What is the percentage of “why” questions.
Twins in utero
What suggests that handedness may be environment?
More advanced cognitive and social development
What are the benefits of Monstessori preschool?
Gender socialization
What is the messaging that parents give to their kids about gender?
Aggression in early childhood
What is a strong predictor of aggression in adolescence and adulthood?
Asia & Latin America (parenting)
What are 2 cultures that do not use authoritarian parenting styles?
Frontal lobe
What is the fastest growing region in early childhood?
2,500 words
How many words does an average 6 year old have?
Authoritative parenting
What is the most positive parenting for children?
What has been the determination of the research of young children watching violence on TV and their aggressive tendencies?
Shame & withdrawal of love
What is the Japanese form of discipline, “amae”?