He taught that the Son was created and not co-eternal with the Father.
Who is Arius?
At this Council the Oriental Orthodox Church split from the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches
What is the Council of Chalcedon?
True or False: The Holy Spirit is the energy of God and not a distinct Person.
Who defended the faith against Arius?
Who is St. Athanasius
Acceptable: Who is Pope Alexander?
What was the first verse about the Holy Spirit in the Holy Bible?
Gen 1:2: And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
He rejected the title Theotokos (mother of God) for the Virgin Mary.
Who is Nestorius?
This Council decreed that the Virgin Mary is the Theotokos.
What is the Council of Ephesus?
Orthodox view of the Father and the Son.
What is "of one substance" (homoousious)
He wrote 12 anathemas against Nestorius.
Who is Cyril the Great?
In John 1, St. John says that the "Word became flesh," which of the heretics we talked about today does this directly respond to?
Who is Nestorius?
If you said Arius you get only 100 points because it only indirectly responds to Arius.
Who is Macedonius?
This is the year when the Council of Constantinople was held.
What is 381 AD?
If the Son is subordinate to the Father, then He cannot fulfill this role on behalf of humanity.
What is a mediator? (Acceptable answer: What is salvation?)
He believed the saying that "there was a time when He (Jesus) was not"
Who is Arius?
This was a trick question!
Where was the first Holy Synod / Council and what was the controversy they discussed?
Hint: This is not one we talked about today.
It was convened by the Apostles in Jerusalem (Acts 15); the topic was whether the Church should accept the Gentiles.
He believed that Christ had a human body but did not have a human mind.
Who is Apollinaris?
This council gave us the creed we say during the liturgy.
What is the Council of Constantinople?
Under Nestorius's view, why would salvation be impossible?
Because under his view the Son of God never suffered in the flesh, it was only Jesus in the human flesh.
From St. Cyril: 12. Whosoever shall not recognize that the Word of God suffered in the flesh, that he was crucified in the flesh, and that likewise in that same flesh he tasted death and that he is become the first-begotten of the dead, for, as he is God, he is the life and it is he that giveth life: let him be anathema.
They are known as the Cappadocian fathers
Who are:
Gregory of Nazianzus (the Theologian)
Basil the Great
Gregory of Nyssa?
Acts 17:2 says:
As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, “Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.”
Which heresy does this directly respond to and how?
Macedonius; it shows that the Holy Spirit is a person who speaks and not merely power or energy.
Those who believe that Christ had only one nature (divine) are called this.
Who are the monophysites?
This Council affirmed the hypostatic union.
What is the Council of Ephesus
This is the term used to describe the orthodox view of the nature of Christ that was rejected by the Council of Chalcedon
What is Miaphysitism?
Who was the Patriarch that defended the Orthodox position against the Chalcedonians?
Who is Pope Discorus?
The Lord Jesus mentioned to St. John the apostle in the Book of Revelation the names of two heresies. What are they?
The two heresies that Lord Jesus mentioned to St. John in the Book of Revelation were the teachings of the Nicolaitans (Rev. 2:15) and the teachings of Balaam (Rev. 2:14).