Was visited by heavenly beings and translated the Book of Mormon.
Who is Joseph Smith?
Spring of 1820
When did the first vision occur?
He wanted to know which church to join.
What question did Joseph Smith have when he went to the grove of trees to pray in the spring of 1820?
Who is Emma Smith?
September 21, 1823
When did Moroni first visit Joseph Smith?
He suffered great persecution and opposition.
What happened to Joseph Smith after he shared the first vision with others?
Served as primary scribe in the translation of the Book of Mormon, and was called the second elder of the Church.
Who is Oliver Cowdery?
September 22, 1827
When did Joseph Smith recieve the plates from Moroni?
How many pages of teh Book of Mormon did Martin Harris lose?
He and his family may have been the first family to believe in Joseph Smith's vision. He often provided money and other assistance to Joseph. Doctrine and Covenants section 12 is addressed to him.
Who is Joseph Knight, Sr.?
May 15, 1829
When was the Aaronic Priesthood restored by John the Baptist?
My Fellow Servants
What did John the Baptist call Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery?
The Church was organized in this family's house. One of the sons was one of the three witnesses of the Book of Mormon, and two sons were two of the eight witnesses of the Book of Mormon.
Who is the Whitmer family?
April 7, 1829
When did Oliver Cowdery begin to help Joseph Smith translate the Book of Mormon?
Oliver Cowdery then Joseph Smith
Who was baptized and received the Aaronic Priesthood first?