What river was essential to the survival of ancient Egypt?
The Nile River
What was the name of the capitol city of the Aztecs?
What mountain range was home to the Inca civillization?
The Andes Mountains
What two rivers surround Mesopotamia?
The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.
What is the name of the longest river in China?
The Yangtze River
What form of writing did the ancient Egyptians develop?
What was the name of the ancient Mexican civillization known for carving giant stone heads?
The Olmecs
What was the name of the Inca capitol city?
What was the first form of writing developed in Mesopotamia?
What was the main material used to create weapons and tools during the Shang Dynasty?
What was the purpose of pyraminds in ancient Egpyt?
They were sacred tombs built for pharohs and people with high status.
What was the main crop grown by early civillizations in Mexico?
Maize (corn)
What was the name of the system of knottewd strings the Incas used for record-keeping?
What was the name of the Babylonian king who create a famous code of laws?
What philosphy, founded by Laozi, emphasizes harmony with nature and balance in life?
Daoism (Taoism)
Who was the only female pharaoh to rule Egypt as a king?
What was the name of the featherd serpent god worshipped by the Aztecs?
What famous Inca city, known for its well-presevered ruins, is located high in the mountains of Peru?
Machu Picchu
What large temple structures were built in Mesopotamian cities for religious purposes?
What was the name of the trade route that connected China to Europe?
The Silk Road
What was the name of the Egytian sun god, one of the most important deities?
Ra or Re
What was the name of the Mayan writing system that used symbols to represent words and sounds?
Mayan hieroglyphics
What was the main language spoken by the Incas?
What empire, known for its millitary strength and cruelty, ruled Mesopotamia before falling to the Babylonians?
The Assyrian Empire
What was the name of the first emperor of China, who united the country and started building the Great Wall?
Qin Shi Huang