During this time of the day we take care of diapering, toileting, and tooth brushing.
What is personal care routines
Children in the early childhood years (birth through 3rd grade) learn best through.
What is hands-on learning, problem solving and discovery?
Being Aware, responsive and addressing problems, is a part of what dimension?
What is Teacher Sensitivity?
Attempts to lift head when on tummy, grasps what is seen and brings fingers to mouth are ________ milestones.
What is physical?
A documented record of any occurrence that affects a child's health and safety, including injuries, near misses, unusual behaviors, or any other noteworthy event that needs to be reported to the program
What is an Incident/Accident Report
At this time we say all our good-byes.
What is departure?
All early childhood programs should include ______________________ Practices
What is Developmentally Appropriate Practices?
Domain on how children feel about themselves and others
What is Social and Emotional development?
Narrating what you are doing
What is self-talk?
To confirm that the staff member has completed the requisite criminal background checks and is deemed suitable to work or volunteer in a childcare facility
What is Letter of suitability?
Hello, 2-3 questions are asked and maybe a little crying.
What is arrival?
Early childhood education covers birth through
What is 3rd grade?
"Because you all have behaved so badly, you are no longer going to go outside. If you don't start listening, you won't go outside all week!" What dimension is this?
What is negatuve Climate?
Fear when a loved one leaves them with a caregiver they will not return
What is separation Anxiety?
A child has been diagnosed by a medical professional with a chronic health condition/disease or allergy must be documented by the primary health care provider, prior to the child entering the center.
What is a Health Plan?
Dramatic play, small group, and parallel play
What is centers?
The program ensures that children are offered a comprehensive curriculum that responds to their individual needs by including this on each lesson plan.
$$$$$$$$$Double Jeopardy
What is Individualization?
Must not be used as a reward or punishment
What is food and physical activity?
Reading books and saying rhymes are activities that help children develop_______ skills
What is language?
5 areas on the daily health checklist form.
What is head, eyes, nose, ears, mouth, skin, breathing, and personal hygiene?
True or False: Panning time is used for room hopping, gossiping, sitting, or watching others work.
What is False.
This database is used for observational assessment to assess the ongoing development and learning of children from birth through kindergarten. This tool has 36 objectives organized within the areas of social–emotional, physical, language, cognitive, literacy, and mathematics.
What is Teaching Strategies?
This cannot happen in Head Start because of a child's behavior.
What is expulsion?
Name 3 positives methods of discipline.
$$$$$$$$$$$$$Double Jeopardy
What is redirection, give choices, setting limits, explain the rules, praise, reinforcements, ignore some behavior
(1) Set up environment, (2) Position staff, (3) Scan and count, (4) Listen, (5), Anticipate children's behavior, and (6) Engage and redirect
What is active supervision?