Approaches to Learning
Social and Emotional
Language and Literacy
Perceptual, Motor, and Physical

Emotional and behavioral self-regulation, cognitive self-regulation (executive functioning), initiative and curiosity, and creativity 

Sub-domains of Approaches to Learning Domain


Showing feelings of comfort or discomfort through facial expressions, body movements and gestures, or crying, smiling, laughing

Expressing emotions

Goal IT-SE 6: Child learns to express a range of emotions


Facial expressions, signs, gestures, and actions 

What is nonverbal communication

Goal IT-LC 4: Child uses non-verbal communication and language to engage others in interaction.


Exploration and discovery, memory, reasoning and problem-solving, emergent mathematical thinking, and imitation and symbolic representation and play

Sub-domains of Cognition Domain


Perception, gross motor, fine motor, health, safety, and nutrition

Sub-domains of Perceptual, Motor, and Physical Development


Showing excitement, approaching new events, experiences, and materials with interest, and asking questions and experimenting aligns with this sub-domain

Initiative and Curiosity

Goal IT-ATL 7: Child shows interest in and curiosity about objects, materials, or events


Relationships with adults, relationships with other children, emotional functioning, and sense of identity and belonging

Sub-domains of Social and Emotional Development


Attending and understanding, communicating and speaking, vocabulary, and emergent literacy

Sub-Domains of Language and Communication Domain


What sub-domain describes these goals:

Goal IT-C 1: Child actively explores people and objects to understand self, others, and objects.

Goal IT-C 2: Child uses understanding of casual relationships to act on social and physical environments.

Exploration and Discovery


The following goal is a part of which sub-domain:

Goal IT-PMP 3: Child demonstrates effective and efficient use of large muscles for movement and position

Gross Motor


The following goal is part of which sub-domain:

Goal IT-ATL 5: Child demonstrates the ability to be flexible in actions and behaviors.

Cognitive Self-Regulation (Executive Functioning)


Children developing expectations of consistent, positive interactions through secure relationships and children learning to use adults as a resource to meet needs describe this social and emotional sub-domain

Relationships with Adults


Infants use a range of sounds such as crying, toddlers may say words or use signs, and children will combine words or signs together while doing this

Communicate wants and needs

Goal IT-LC 3: Child communicates needs and wants non-verbally and by using language.


Children 8-18 months use a few basic words to refer to change, such as 'more' and 'all gone' when their plate is empty, and children 16-36 months may use words such as a little, too much, or a lot.

Developmental progression for Goal IT-C 8: Child develops sense of number and quantity

Emergent Mathematical Thinking


Coordinating hand and eye movements, using hands while exploring and playing, and reaching for and grasping tools

Fine Motor goals

Goal IT-PMP 6: Child continues hand and eye movements to perform actions.

Goal IT-PMP 7: Child uses hands for exploration, play, and daily routines

Goal IT-PMP 8: Child adjusts reach and grasp to use tools


Describe a developmentally-appropriate way a child demonstrates the following goal:

IT-ATL 9: Child shows imagination in play and interactions with others

Uses sounds, gestures, signs, or words playfully through songs, finger plays, or games (8-18 Months), Engages in pretend or make-believe play with other children, Uses imagination to explore possible different uses of objects and materials (16-36 Months)


Children birth-9 months will watch another child while they play and may try to take their toy, Children 8-18 months will participate in imitation games or play next to another child, and children 16-36 months will join in play with other children 

Developmental progression of goal IT-SE 5: Child imitates and engages in play with other children


The following goal is part of which sub-domain:

Goal IT-LC 2: Child learns from communication and language experiences with others.

Attending and Understanding


Children recognizing differences between familiar and unfamiliar people, objects, actions, or events and recognizing the stability of people and objects in the environment describe which sub-domain



Describe a developmentally-appropriate way a child may demonstrate healthy behaviors with increasing independence as part of everyday routines

Anticipating and cooperating in daily routines (8-18 months) or participating in healthy care routines (16-36 months) such as washing hands, blowing nose, or brushing teeth with assistance from adults


These goals describe which sub-domain                  

IT-ATL 1: Child manages feelings and emotions with support of familiar adults

IT-ATL 2: Child manages actions and behavior with support of familiar adults

Emotional and Behavioral Self-Regulation


Describe a developmentally-appropriate way a child demonstrates the following goal:

Goal IT-SE 10: Child shows awareness about self and how to connect with others

Exploring hands, feet, body, and movements or responding (Birth-9 Months), experiments with use of hands and body (8-18 Months), Using different words or signs to refer to self and others (16-36 Months)


Holding a book and turning pages, recognizing pictures and some symbols, signs, or words, and making marks that represent objects or actions are goals for this sub-domain

Emergent Literacy


Children 16-36 months may sort objects into two groups based on a single characteristic such as color or shape to demonstrate this emergent mathematical thinking skill

Matching and Sorting

Goal IT-C 10: Child uses matching and sorting of objects or people to understand similar and different characteristics


Infants adjust balance and movement in response to environment, Toddlers scan for obstacles and use depth perception to plan how to move, and children coordinate motor actions for play and daily routines

Goal IT-PMP 2: Child uses perceptual information in directing own actions, experiences, and interactions
