What is the main characteristic of the Paleolithic Era?
Use of stone tools.
Which new activity began in the Mesolithic Era?
They began using pottery for the first time.
What does Neolithic mean?
New Stone Age
What type of shelter did Paleolithic people use?
Caves and temporary huts.
How did fire help early man?
It allowed them to stay warm, gave protection and cook food.
What does the word Paleolithic mean?
Old Stone Age
What is the meaning of Mesolithic?
Middle Stone Age.
What was the major accomplishment that first began in the Neolithic Era?
Domestication of plants and animals: farming.
What animal was the first to be domesticated?
The dog for companionship OR sheep and goats for milk and meat.
What did farming mean for most people?
They had to work harder, BUT had a reliable food source and plenty of it.
How did people live during the Paleolithic Era?
They were hunters/gatherers.
What new tools appeared during the Mesolithic Era?
Smaller stone tools called microliths made from friction filing instead of chipping two rocks together.
What was a result of farming?
People no longer had to leave their area so they created permanent villages OR they had a surplus of food.
Why did early humans migrate during the Paleolithic Era?
That had to follow the animal herds to have food.
What were houses made of during the Neolithic Era?
Mud and brick.
What was the role of women during the Paleolithic Era?
They did the gathering of seeds, nuts, fruits and roots.
True or false? People settled in one place for the ENTIRE year during the Mesolthic Era.
Which material was still the most commonly used during the Neolithic Era?
Which invention really helped with the task of farming?
The plow.
At the end of the Neolithic Era, what were they beginning to make tools out of?
Bronze / Metal
What is a clan?
A group of 20 to 30 people of a few different families living together.
What types of bones were some of the first Mesolithic homes made of?
Wooly mammoth.
What allowed the population to grow during the Neolithic Era?
Stable food supply from farming. Everyone finally had plenty to eat.
What type of lifestyle did the people have in the Neolithic Era?
They were farmers and stayed in one place (villages) permanently.
Why is the Neolithic Era considered a turning point in history?
It was the start of settled societies, cities and government/leaders since farming allowed them to stay in one place.