Middle Ages
Scientific Revolution

Why did Henry VIII break away from the Catholic Church?

He wanted to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon 


Who created this painting?

Leonardo Da Vinci


What major mountain range is located in Europe, North of Italy, and is known for its height?

The Alps


What was feudalism, and how did it shape medieval society?

Feudalism was a medieval social and political system in Europe where land ownership formed the basis of a hierarchical society, with powerful lords granting land (called fiefs) to lesser nobles (vassals) in exchange for loyalty


Who is known for proposing the heliocentric theory?



 Who was Pope Urban II, and what was his role in the Crusades?

He called for the crusades in order to liberate the holy land.


What does humanism emphasize in education and philosophy?

Emphasis on reality and the Human form.


Which Geographic feature is highlighted above?

The North European Plain


Who was Charlemagne, and what impact did he have on Europe?

Charlemagne, also known as "Charles the Great," was a Frankish king who united most of Western and Central Europe under his rule during the 8th century, effectively reviving the Western Roman Empire and becoming its first emperor


 What was Galileo Galilei’s contribution to science?

Supported the heliocentric model, improved telescopes, improved the microscope, discovered the moons of Jupiter


Describe the Catholic Counter-Reformation and its key figures.

The Catholic Counter-Reformation was a period of internal reform within the Catholic Church that aimed to address the criticisms raised by the Protestant Reformation.

Council of Trent, Saint Ignatius Loyola.


How did the Medici family contribute to the Renaissance in Florence?

They were patrons of the several artists, meaning they paid generously for various works which allowed artists to focus solely on creating art.


 What is the significance of the Ural Mountains in Europe?

Considered the natural geographical boundary between the continents of Europe and Asia.


What was the significance of the Battle of Hastings in English history?

Marked the beginning of Norman rule in England, significantly altering the country's culture, language, and political landscape under William the Conqueror's reign


Why are Sir Isaac Newton's Laws of Motion important?

Sir Isaac Newton's Laws of Motion are important because they provide the fundamental basis for understanding how objects move in the physical world, laying the foundation for classical mechanics and allowing us to explain and predict the motion of everyday objects


 What were Martin Luther's 95 Theses, and why were they significant?

Martin Luther's 95 Theses were a list of propositions that challenged the Roman Catholic Church's authority and practices. They were posted in 1517 and are considered the beginning of the Protestant Reformation.


Who was Thomas Aquinas and what did he believe in regards to Humanism and Religion?

He believed that Logic and Faith did not have to contradict each other and that humanism did not have to exist without being religious. 


Name the body of water that separates England from France.

The English Channel


What was the importance of the Magna Carta?

The Magna Carta was significant because it marked the first time in writing that a king was not above the law, establishing the principle that even the monarch must abide by the law of the land


What is the scientific method, and who is credited with its establishment?

The scientific method is a systematic approach to gaining knowledge through observation, asking questions, forming a hypothesis, conducting experiments, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions and was established by sir Francis Bacon.


 What was the role of monasteries in preserving knowledge during the Middle Ages?

During the Middle Ages, monasteries played a crucial role in preserving knowledge by meticulously copying and safeguarding ancient manuscripts, acting as centers of learning, and housing extensive libraries that stored classical texts


Describe the impact of the printing press on literacy and knowledge dissemination

The printing press, invented by Johannes Gutenberg, significantly boosted literacy and spread knowledge by mass producing books and other printed materials, making information accessible to a much wider segment of society


 Describe the influence of the North Atlantic Drift on European climate.

Brings warm waters from the tropics towards Western Europe, resulting in milder winters and more temperate conditions compared to other regions at similar latitudes


Explain the social effects of the Black Death on European society.

The Black Death significantly impacted European society by causing a drastic population decline, leading to labor shortages that empowered surviving peasants, challenged the authority of the Church and fueled social unrest


What was Johannes Kepler's contribution to the debate between the geocentric and heliocentric models of the universe?

He discovered that planets orbit the Sun in elliptical paths, not perfect circles, which significantly strengthened the heliocentric model.
