Jefferson v. Madison
Marshall Court
Age of Democracy
"Revolution of 1800"
Foreign Affairs
this theory of the anti-federalists, was first created in 1798 by James Madison, was centered around the idea that the federal government was created by the states.
What is the compact theory
This man is the longest reigning Chief Justice, serving for a record 35 years and ruling over 1,000 decisions.
Who is John Marshall
The name for the period of political tranquility after the War of 1812, and the failure of the Federalist Party
What is the Era of Good Feelings
This transaction in 1803, doubled the size of the United States for a mere $15 million
What is the Louisiana Purchase
This stern foreign policy statement issued at the Vienna Conference in 1815 set in stone the idea of Manifest Destiny, and that the United States would do anything to keep Europe out of the Western Hemisphere.
What is the Monroe Doctrine
this institution was the "brainchild" of Madison and is often associated with anti-federalists.
What is Bank of the United States
his landmark decision established the concept of judicial review.
What is Marbury v. Madison
This practice of distributing federal jobs to supporters of one party, or close friends or relatives, was made popular by Jackson and wasn't ended until the Civil Service Commission was set up in 1883.
What is the Spoils System
The 1800 election of Thomas Jefferson, known as the "Revolution of 1800" was the first bloodless transfer of power between political parties, and set up the future demise of this political party.
What are the Federalists
This war enhanced the military careers of Jackson and Harrison, was ended by the Treaty of Ghent and is sometimes known as the "American Revolution Part 2"
What is the War of 1812
This group was seen as being very Francophiles, or in favor of France, During the French Revolution and was led by Jefferson
What are the Democratic-Republicans or Anti-Federalists
this case in 1819 reaffirmed that federal law is absolute over state law, and ruled the the government had the implied power to create a national bank.
What is McCulloch v. Maryland
s era that peaked during the 1830s and 1840s pushed for an individualistic approach to religion, and preaches of "fire and brimstone" pushed more people to by pious, helping fuel the "Age of Reform"
What is the Second Great Awakening
In response to the Leopard-Chesapeake Incident, Jefferson signed into law this act, prohibiting all foreign trade, that was later fully repealed by Macon's Bill No. 2 in 1810.
What is the Embargo Act
This Treaty negotiated by Chief Justice John Jay in 1794 removed the British forts on America's western frontier but set the stage for a war with Britain over impressment of soldiers.
What is the Jay Treaty
These laws were designed to neutralize any challenges to the dominance of the Federalists, passed in 1798 and repealed in 1800.
What are the Alien and Sedition Acts
Though the court was dominated by John Marshall, the distinction of first Supreme Court Justice goes to this man.
Who is John Jay
This is the name given to the Presidential election of John Quincy Adams in 1824 that led to the end of the Era of Good Feelings and the emergence of Jackson
What is Corrupt Bargain
This area, filled with pirates of American ships, became the first overseas battleground of the United States in 1805
What is the Barbary Coast, or the Barbary States
This incident involving three U.S. commissioners being bribed for $250,000 by French agents in 1794, outraged the American public and fired the Federalist "War-Hawks" up for a war against France.
What is The X, Y, Z affair
This work of Alexander Hamilton, advocated a commercial and manufacturing vision for the new nation.
What are the Federalist Papers
This 1831 decision reaffirmed Jackson's 1830 passage of the Indian Removal Act and set in place the beginning of the Trail of Tears
What is Cherokee Nation v. Georgia
In 1836, After Jackson "killed" The Second Bank of the United States, he issued this order, making banks call in all their loans, and made land purchasable only by gold or silver.
What is Specie Circular
Under the Treaty of 1818, the 49th Parallel was set as the border between Canada and the U.S. and left this area up to settlement by citizens of both nations, setting the stage for a great western movement in America.
What is Oregon Country or Oregon Territory