Teddy Roosevelt
Voting & Political Participation
Primary Sources

This was a major goal of Roosevelt's campaign, which can be described as maintaining and preserving the nation's natural lands, animals, and resources

What is Conservation?


Upton Sinclair, Ida Tarbell, Lincoln Steffens, and John Spargo are examples of Progressive Era muckrakers, who were well-known for investigating and exposing ____________ within American society.

What is (Political/Social) Corruption?


The Pure Food and Drug Act were passed in response to this book written by Upton Sinclair. 

What is "The Jungle"?


With the passage of _______________ in 1920, all women in the United States were granted the right to vote.

What is the 19th Amendment?


This political cartoon, titled "Standing up to Big Business", demonstrates this particular goal of Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal.

What is Business Regulation?


As pictured in this political cartoon, President Roosevelt's presidential ambitions were greatly impacted by this investigative practice

What is Muckraking?


The Progressive Era muckraker, John Spargo, wrote his book titled "The Bitter Cry of Children" to expose this common exploitative labor practice of the early 1900s. 

What is Child Labor?

This act passed in 1903 authorized the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) to impose heavy fines on railroads that offered rebates, and upon the companies that accepted these rebates. 

What is the Elkins Act?


During the Progressive Era, this voting practice was introduced, which allows voters to directly on a proposal, law, or political issue in contrast to being voted on by a representative. 

What is a Referendum?


Jacob Riis, in his book "How the Other Half Lives", exposed the living conditions in major cities and pushed for urban reform through this documentary investigative practice, as seen above. 

What is Photography?


These three components were the basis of President Roosevelt's Square Deal 

What are Business Regulation, Labor Relations, and Conservation?


These two acts were passed by Congress in response to Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle", which exposed the labor conditions and sanitary conditions of the meatpacking industry.  

What are the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act?


This act passed in 1914 established the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and sought to prevent anticompetitive practices and unfair methods of competition in business. 

What is the Clayton Antitrust Act?


This voting process allows citizens to petition state legislatures to consider a bill.

What is Initiative?


In "The History of the Standard Oil Company", written by Ida Tarbell, exposed this practice of John D. Rockefeller's which is typical of monopolies and restricts the economy.

What is the Elimination of Competition?


As part of his goal to increase business regulation, President Roosevelt particularly wanted to regulate __________, which are extremely powerful business entities that dominate industries and often utilize exploitative business tactics

What are Monopolies/Trusts?


Ida Tarbell's "The History of the Standard Oil Company" led to the breakup of the company and resulted in a 1911 Supreme Court case, which ruled that Standard Oil had violated _____________ and was forced to splinter into 34 smaller companies.

What is the Sherman Antitrust Act?


This act passed in 1902, which allocated public funds to construct irrigation projects, also known as "reclamation" projects, embodied President Roosevelt's goal of environmental conservation.

What is the Newlands Reclamation Act?


This voting process allows voters to petition the removal of an elected official from office.

What is Recall?


Thomas Nast created a series of political cartoons which exposed the influence and corruption of these party organizations that recruited members through the use of incentives, such as money and jobs, and held a high degree of political leadership over many of America's major cities. 

What are Political Machines?


The Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902 marked a significant change in business-government relations as a result of the use of ____________, in which the government successfully settled the dispute between mine workers and business owners

What is Arbitration?


Lincoln Steffens, in "The Shame of the Cities", exposes the political corruption and influence of political machines in major cities, but more importantly, he drew attention to this issue concerning citizens themselves.

What is Voter Apathy/Disinterest?


This act passed in 1913 created the Federal Reserve System and established economic stability in the U.S. by introducing a central bank to oversee monetary policy. 

What is the Federal Reserve Act?


The passage of the 17th Amendment in 1913 allowed for the direct election of these government officials, instead of by state legislatures. 

Who are Senators?


This political cartoon, which was created shortly after the election of 1912, demonstrates the aftermath of the split within the Republican Party as a result of Roosevelt establishing this third political party.

What is the Progressive Party?
