George Washington
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
Time to Partaayyy
Unlike under the Articles of Confederation, this rebellion under Washington's presidency demonstrated the strength of the national government to enforce the laws established by the Constitution.
What is the Whiskey Rebellion?
Along with being the first president to govern from the nation's new capitol in Washington DC, Adam's election was also significant in that it was the first to contain these.
What are political parties?
In 1803, bought for $15 million, this doubled the size of the United States.
What is the Louisiana Purchase?
States that any attempt by foreign powers to further colonize in North or South America would be seen as an act of aggression towards the United States.
What is the Monroe Doctrine?

These two men's differences led to the creation of our first political parties:

Who are Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson?


Warned America to stay out of foreign affairs and avoid creating political parties.

What is Washington's Farewell Address?


Allowed the government to place immigrants in prison who they thought were dangerous.

What are the Alien Acts?

These two men went on an expedition to explore the newly purchased Louisiana Territory.
Who were Lewis and Clark?
The state of Maryland placed a tax on the National Bank, and the Supreme Court held that the state can't tax the federal government.
What is McCulloch v. Maryland?

This individual was the leader of the Federalist Party

Who is Alexander Hamilton?


Creating a court system, taking care of the national debt, and establishing the power of the federal government were examples of - 

What is the Washington's Problems

This act attempted to prevent anyone speaking ill of the president.
What is the Seditions Act?
This is the vital sea port on the Gulf Coast that gave access to the Mississippi River.
What is New Orleans?

British impressment of sailors, British interference with U.S. trade, and British-Native alliance in the Northwest Territory

What are Causes of the War of 1812?


This individual was the leader of the Democratic-Republican Party.

Who is Thomas Jefferson?

Washington chose to be called "Mr. President", remained neutral in foreign affairs, and only stayed for two terms.
What are the precedences that Washington Set?
This involved the French government attempting to extort money from United States diplomats, by asking them to pay a bribe to speak with the French Foreign Minister.
What is the XYZ Affair?
This court case established the process of Judicial Review, giving the Supreme Court final say on the constitutionality of laws.
What is Marbury v. Madison
This treaty ended the War of 1812, reestablishing the pre-war boundaries of the United States and Great Britain.
What is the Treaty of Ghent?

This party believed in a small federal government, strong state governments, and wanted an agrarian society led by the common people. 

Who are the Democratic-Republicans?

Paying off all war debts, raising government revenue, and creating a national bank were all part of this.
What is Hamilton's financial plan?
These nullified the Alien & Sedition Acts.
What are the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions?
In response to the British and French seizing American ships and impressing American sailors, this act was passed in an attempt to prevent going to war.
What is the Embargo Act?

The "Era of Good Feelings", broken British-Native alliance, and increased manufacturing

What are effects of the War of 1812?


This political party wanted a strong federal government, an economy based on manufacturing and believed power belonged in the hands of the wealthy and educated. 

Who are the Federalists?
