In 1803, this was passed by Congress that required future electors to cast separate votes for president and vice-president
what was "the 12th amendment"
George Washington served as president for this many terms
what is "2"
Jefferson was a member of this political party
what was "the Democratic-Republicans"
Federalists favored this type of government
what is "strong central government"
This practice of the British navy targeted American sailors and helped cause the War of 1812.
what was "impressment"
Instead of meeting with American diplomats in 1797 to resolve disputes over the seizure of American ships by the French, the French sent agents to America who demanded brides and a loan to France. This event was known as the _______________________
what was "the XYZ Affair"
This was the rebellion that caused Washington to raise federal troops to stop the uprising
what was "The Whiskey Rebellion"
Jefferson wrote this important document in US history
what was "The Declaration of Independence"
Federalists were led by this person
who was "Alexander Hamilton"
In 1807, Congress passed this law which banned imports from and exports to all foreign countries.
what was the "Embargo Act"
What was the Congressional agreement that allowed the states to keep their existing courts, but also established federal court system
what was "Judiciary Act of 1789"
George Washington advised against political parties in this famous speech
what is the "Farewell Address"
Jefferson’s election to the presidency in 1800 is sometimes referred to by this term for its peaceful transfer of power
Democratic-Republicans believed in this type of interpretation of the Constitution
what is a "strict reading"
This treaty ended the War of 1812
what was "The Treaty of Ghent"
This was the army lieutenant that led multiple expeditions to the Upper Mississippi River Valley and as far as modern-day Colorado between 1805 and 1807
who was "Zebulon Pike"
Washington's cabinet had three original departments. The department of state, war, and ____.
What is "treasury"
This event helped precipitate the sale of the Louisiana purchase to America
what was "The Haitian Revolution"
These two people, who both eventually became President, started the Democratic-Republicans
who were "James Madison and Thomas Jefferson"
The most famous battle of the War of 1812 occurred after the War of 1812 was over
what was "The Battle of New Orleans"
During the Adams administration, he signed these laws that gave him greater authority to deport immigrants and protected him from criticism
what was "Alien Act, Sedition Act"
Hamilton and Jefferson held these positions in Washington's cabinet
what is "Secretary of State and Treasury"
The Supreme Court Case Marbury v. Madison established this precedent
what was "judicial review"
During the election of 1800, when the electoral votes were tied at the end of the electoral college count, this decided the next president
what was "the House of Representatives"
This man wrote a poem that would eventual become the national anthem in 1931
who is "Francis Scott Key"