The first president of the United States.
Who is George Washington?
Refusing to recognize a federal law.
What is nullify?
The date that Washington took the oath of office.
When is April 30th?
This is where the Whiskey Rebellion took place.
Where is West Virginia?
This person led 13,000 troops across the mountains to to crush the Whiskey Rebels.
Who is George Washington?
A revolt by farmers in 1794 against an excise tax on whiskey.
What was Whiskey Rebellion?
The election of 1800 was an election between these two people.
Who are John Adams and Thomas Jefferson?
This is where George Washington took the oath of office.
What is the Federal Hall?
This man was supported by Republican leaders as the vice president for the election of 1800.
Who is Aaron Burr?
George Washington's parting message to the nation, given in 1796, in which he warned of threats to the nation's future.
What is Washington's Farewell Address?
These two acts were passed which made life difficult for the Republicans.
What are the Alien and Sedition Acts?
This is the Caribbean island where Alexander Hamilton was raised.
What is St. Croix?
These two males had a rivalry that created the first national political parties.
Who are Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton?
A broad interpretation of the Constitution, meaning that Congress has powers beyond those specifically given in the Constitution.
What is Loose Construction?
Tax caused the transportation of grain to be very expensive, and caused the whiskey to cost more, leading to this event.
What is the Whiskey Rebellion?
This amendment was called on when both Republican parties tied in the election of 1800.
What is the 12th amendment?
George Washington's assistant who also served as a delegate from New York to the Constitutional Convention.
Who is Alexander Hamilton?
A narrow interpretation of the Constitution, meaning that Congress has only those powers specifically given in the Constitution.
What is Strict Construction Sedition?
During this war, the Republicans thought that the Federalists were too loyal to their enemies and went to them when the war got bad for the French.
What is the French Revolution?
He believed that citizens could make good decisions, and he also believed that farmers were a big role in the nations future.
Who is Thomas Jefferson?