They were the first four presidents.
Who were Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison?
This is a tax imposed by one country on the goods and services imported from another country.
What is a tariff?
These were the two political parties in the Early Republic period.
What were the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans?
These two countries fought in the Quasi War.
Who are France and the US?
This is the city that the British burned down in the War of 1812.
What is Washington D.C.?
This was the cause of the Whiskey rebellion.
What is a tax on American made whiskey?
He Purchased the Louisiana Territory from France.
Who was Thomas Jefferson?
This is to give someone money or something else of value, often illegally, to persuade that person to do something you want
What is a bribe?
This party was supported by Southern Farmers and frontier settlers.
What is the Democratic Republicans?
This is the city in Canada that American soldiers burned down.
What is York?
The War of 1812 was more popular in these two regions of the US.
What are the South and the West?
This is what the Sedition Act did.
What is made it illegal to falsely criticize the Government?
They were three of the members of Washington's Cabinet.
Who were Hamilton, Jefferson, and Knox?
This is an official ban on trade or other commercial activity with a particular country.
What is an embargo?
This party had a strict view of the constitution.
What is the Democratic-Republican party?
This was the main issue that the US had with the Barbary Coast.
What was pirates attacking US ships?
This was the Nation that Pickney's Treaty was negotiated with.
Who is Spain?
This is what was established in the Marbury v Madison case.
What is Judicial Review?
The Alien and Sedition Acts were passed under him.
Who is John Adams?
These are privately owned ships (often owned by Pirates) hired by a country for use in battle.
What is a Privateer?
This party supported a national bank and high tariffs.
This is the battle where Francis Scott Key wrote the Star-Spangled Banner.
What is the battle of Ft. McHenry/Baltimore?
This was the group of Native Americans that attacked frontier settlements.
Who are the Shawnee?
These were the two goals of the Lewis and Clark expedition.
What were to explore the new land and find a northwest pasage?
He was the President during the War of 1812.
Who was James Madison?
This is the ability of the Court to declare a Legislative or Executive act in violation of the Constitution.
What is Judicial Review?
This party tended to side with England.
What is the Federalists party?
This was why the US implemented the Embargo Act of 1807.
What was a response to the French and British seizing US Ships and impressing sailors.
These were the two things that were agreed to in Jay's Treaty.
What is the british would vacate frontier forts and the US could trade in the Caribbean?
This is what the effect of the Embargo Act of 1807 was.
What is it mainly hurt us traders and farmers?