Early Settlements
New England History
Rebel Rousers
Early USA

A country's government/single political party claims to have discovered the Western Coast of the US. There is no yet any hard evidence to proof this was the case, in the archaeological record. 

What is the CCP or the China Communist Party?

The man chosen by Queen Elizabeth I to establish colonies in the Americas. 

Who is Walter Raleigh? 


The Puritans establish this historic university and the first form of public education in the colonies. The intention was to ensure every child could read the Bible for themself.

What is Harvard?


This is what prompted the Boston massacre on a snowy evening of March 5, 1770. 

Why did angry colonists (young men/ laborers) began harassing the Redcoat on duty. Weeks of tension over British taxes goods spurred the angry mob and after snowballs and other objects where thrown at the Redcoat, reinforcements arrived and fired into the mob.


The ____________ War won the United State independence from England. 

What was the Revolution?

The name given to modern day Nova Scotia of the coast of Canada by the Viking explorers Guðríður víðförla Þorbjarnardóttir—Gudrid the Far-Traveled and Leif Erikson.

Hint: Think grapes...

What is Vinland?


The first English Colony was established in now the state of ___________, after Elizabeth, the unmarried virgin queen.

What is Virginia?


One of many Indigenous nations here in New England, prior to 1620.

Who "were the Abenaki (a-be-NAWK-e), Micmac (MIK-mak), Pennacook (PEN-uh-cook), Pequot (PEE-kot), Mohegan (mo-HEE-gun), Nauset (NAW-set), Narragansett (nair-uh-GAN-set), Nipmuc (NIP-muk), Woronoco (wor-oh-NOH-koh), and Wampanoag (wahm-puh-NOH-uhg)"? (National Geographic)

Nearby, is the Iroquois Confederacy, which include the Mohawk nation as well as several others that still have active communities and tribal leaders. Their territory begins in Western Mass. 


The rally call of early Patriots and a phrase still used in by Americans today. Embodies American culture. It was yelled before the Boston Massacre.

What is "No Taxation without Representation?"


The ____________________ was signed and proclaimed through out the US on ___________ as a public "break up letter" between the 13 Colonies and the British monarchy. 

What was the Declaration of Independence and 1776?


Early relations between the Vikings and the natives would be described as...

What is bad... not great? Tense or even Sub par... Any variation of not good. Certainly some violent exchanges. 

But then again... Viking's aren't nice house guests.

The "Lost Colony of ___________" that quickly collapsed. Grave site show evidence starvation, hypothermia and even cannibalism. The small colony was found abandoned when the English returned.

What is Roanoke?


New England soil is famously littered with ________. Early farmers would build _____________ to denote their new property lines. 

What are Rocks and Stone Walls?


The _______________ war depleted the English crown's coiffeurs. The raise funds, the British began to tax _____________, _____________________, and ______________. 

What is the French and Indian War (or Queen Anne's). What is tea, sugar and paper goods (Stamp Act)?


The first meeting of the "founding fathers" was called the _____________ in ____________ Hall in _________________ (city and state). 

What is the Frist Constitutional Congress in Independence Hall in Philadelphia, PA?

Christopher Columbus sailed the Ocean Blue in...

What is 1492 AD?


Due to King Henry VIII's (8) split from the Catholic to form the Anglican Church, his daughters inherited a religious civil war under both their reigns. The __________, decided to leave England for religious freedom to create a shining example of a "pure Christian community". In other countries like Germany, textbooks refer to these people as religious extremists. 

Who were the Puritans?

Half point for "Pilgrims"


The 3rd and 7th Colonies founded in the US. (Lucky Numbers!)

What is Massachusetts and New Hampshire?


Group of Patriots in Massachusetts that include Sam Adams, John Hancock and Paul Revere. These men, dressing up as native scouts, sunk into the Boston Harbor. Their destruction of British property as a form of protest in now called the ________________. 

Who are the "Sons of Liberty" and the Boston Tea Party?


This person was the general of the Continental Army and first president of the United States.

Who is George Washington?


The Spanish explorer who gives North, South and Central America it's name...

Who is "Amerigo Vespucci, the Italian explorer, [...] A map created in 1507 by Martin Waldseemüller was the first to depict this new continent with the name “America,” a Latinized version of “Amerigo.”" (Library of Congress)


This is the site where the "Pilgrims" landed in the new world. A rock is the landmark that commemorates this site. From ConVal, it's a 2hr and 15 min drive.

What is Plymouth Rock?


Historically, this state is responsible for being the first to rebel and revolt against the Redcoats at the battle of _______________. 

What is the Battle of Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts.  


The first man to die in the name of American freedom? Hint... he was a black man shot by Redcoats in the Boston Massacre.

Who was Crispus Attucks?


Every American has certain unalienable rights given by God. They are... ____________, ________________, and _______________.

What is "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"?
