Adult Culture
Backwards Planned
Syst & Proc
Student Culture
Data 101

Staff member observes another teachers transition which isn't efficient and takes too long; thus she steps in and gives teacher feedback on the spot.

What is teacher to teacher feedback.


Teacher completes the upcoming two-3 assessments and the semester exam before writing any lesson plans.

What is starting with the end in mind? 


After greeting students as they enter the classroom, students begin by writing their assign themselves in their planner and immediately begin their do now. ---

While scholars do this the teacher walks around and places a check on all planners that are filled out.  

While doing so, the teacher provides nonverbal re directions for scholars who are off task.

What is: Facilitating the First Five? 


Student wiggles crossed fingers wildly and silently in class while teacher is inspecting student work.  The teacher gives her a thumbs up and the student efficiently brings her restroom pass to get signed before heading off to the restroom.

What is asking for permission and waiting your turn?


At the end of each lesson, students receive their exit ticket and begin immediately as the timer begins. The teacher laps around the classroom and when a silent signal is given, stops by the student's desk, grades their exit ticket, and gives them a sticker to place on the chart for the day's objective. 

What is Daily Exit Ticket Tracking? 


At 7:10 a staff member steps in to monitor the arrival door when he/she notices the normal teacher is not there.  At the same time he/she texts that teacher to ask where they are at.

What is: Filling the gap/finding a solution.


Teacher crafts an objective that contains a verb which allows the students to demonstrate their knowledge of the skill.

What is: Crafting a measurable objective?


Assistant principal overhears a teacher having all students hold up their math paper for her to see.  The teacher states, "we all have it, lets begin!"

What is: getting 100%?


Teacher shows a hand signal when a student tells her an answer that proves the teacher had it wrong.  The students knew when the teacher showed the signal that they all got to laugh and clap a little.  As soon as the teacher stopped laughing and her signal went down, they all sighed and when right back to work.  

What is work hard, play hard?


Before leaving for the day, Ms. Garcia takes her exit tickets from the day. She sorts them into stacks by grade and tallies up the questions missed. After determining which questions students struggled with, she determines what common error she sees among the work. She plans a quick mini-reteach for the next day's Do Now. 

What is Exit Ticket Sort? 


Teacher is given on the spot feedback in the classroom by their manager and upon hearing it, says, 'will do' and immediately puts the feedback into practice.

What is Immediate Turnaround of Feedback?


After reading their objective, a teacher lists out what the students should know to be successful and how students should show their understanding. 

What are What/How Key Points? 


Teacher works a little late on Monday and Tuesday knowing that Lesson Plans are Due Wednesdays at 7.  She wants to get a good rating for 3C & 3D.

What is doing "Whatever it Takes" to meet deadlines?


On the Tuesday before Thanksgiving break, the 8th grade and 11th grade team leaders both decided to do a morning review on culture with their scholars to reset lunch and transition expectations and then practice hallway procedures.  The GTL's refused to let culture norms slide as they get close to the holiday break.



Following the Unit 4 Exam, Mr. Moreno determines which TEKS students did well on and which TEKS students struggled to master. He goes to the student's exam booklets to determine why scholars missed some but were successful on others. He then creates a reteach plan based on this information and updates a list of students to call on in class, who needs to attend tutoring, and which scholars need extra time through Saturday School. After creating this plan, he shares it with his manager to review at his next check-in. 

What is Data Deep Dive? 


After a teacher finishes scanning her assessments, she sees that she is in the 3rd quartile.  She immediately begins to cry.  Her GTL observes this and begins to tell her that it is ok, and that the most important thing is she figures out what the gaps are so that she knows what to fix.  Every up and down is a part of our journey.  

What is: Staying positive and keeping it moving?

What is: Supporting a team member?


The teacher creates lesson materials that she will use to model the content. He/She crafts 2-3 experiences that will allow them to articulate all the key points they crafted previously. He/She then creates 2-3 experiences for students to walk the teacher through and finishes by an independent activity for the scholars. 

What is the Gradual Release Model? 


Teacher has created a chart for afternoon dismissal.  On this chart lists several students names and various cleaning and organizing tasks in the classroom.  The teacher sings a clean up song in order to get them started and they all take their places happily and get to work.

What is teacher created classroom procedures?


When John was walking to the bathroom he notices some paper and string on the floor in the hallway.  Upon seeing this garbage, he kneels down and picks it up and throws it away.  He then goes to the bathroom before returning to class.  

What is Sweating the Small Stuff?


The day after an exam, the teacher hands out a assessment reflection document that has students track which questions and which TEKs they did well and poor on.  They reflect on whether or not they met their growth goal and script a plan to how they are going to improve for the next exam.

What is Student Data Dives?


Principal when walking through the hall overhears a teacher telling a scholar, "I know I was mad at you, and its ok.  You and I are alright.  When you head back in you know what to do, your going to get the right answer, just stick to the example on the board.  You've got this!

What is: Building relationships with scholars.


After crafting the lesson materials, the teacher practices the lesson and writes down questions that he/she will ask during the lesson. 

What is crafting CFU's?

Assistant principal hears 7th grade teacher practice the line up and entrance procedure with her second period class twice.  Upon entering on the second time she hears her praise them and tell them, "yes, that's how we do it!"

What is pause for a cause and reset!?


Jeffery upon entering math class hands his homework to his teacher, Mrs. Arismendi.  She gives it a look, and then makes eye contact with Jeffery as she hands it back.  Her eyes tell him, "Nope, not right".     He looks at it and recognizes that all the work isn't showing.  He then goes to write his name in the west wing list and takes his seat.  



After scanning, teacher finds herself being in first place in the district for the third time in a row?

What is: working at Mays, So Flo or Carver?   :-)
