What is the outer ear for.
a funnel for hearing.
Does the middle ear have the smallest bone
Where is the inner ear
inside the deepest part of the ear.
What is deafness
It is loss of hearing or just un-able to hear again.
Who created Amazon
Jeff Bezos
What is Cauiflower ear
What are the main part of the Ossicles?
What are the 3 main part of the inner ear
The Saccule, utriculus, and cochlea.
What the way to communicate with a deaf person
sign language
What is my middle name
How to ear wax get out or get stuck
by drying up or getting move by little hairs.
How to the Eustachian tube release pressure.
by swallowing.
What are the semicircular canals sensitive to?
Head movements
Who typically get hearing loss the most.
elderly people
When was the first Christmas
In the year 336
How to Cauliflower earned
by repeated damage to the outer ear.
What do the Eustachian tube do.
release pressure in the ear.
What are the utriculu and saccule sensitive to?
head tilts.
Wear headphones or stay away from very loud places.
You get double your points
Who mostly get Cauliflower ears
Wrestlers or MMA fighters.
What is Otitis media.
A medical term for middle ear infectio.
carry signal to the brain
People who stay or work in loud places like construction.
What year when I was born