Earth's Landforms
Plate Tectonics
Shaping Earth's Surface
Mountains, valleys, deserts, and rivers are examples of _________?
What are landforms.
A deep cut in the Earth's crust is a _______.
What is a fault.
A volcano that is not currently erupting but may erupt again is ___________.
What is dormant.
The point on Earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake is the _______.
What is the epicenter.
As the speed of river water slows, ________ is deposited.
What is sediment.
What is the best description of the abyssal plain? A. an underwater mountain range B. a steep-sided valley C. a slope covered by shallow water D. a wide, flat area of the ocean floor
What is (D.) a wide, flat area of the ocean floor.
Describe one piece of evidence that supports the theory of continental drift.
What is continents fit together like a jigsaw puzzle, similar fossils have been found on seperate continents, or similar patterns in rocks and mountains are observed on separated continents.
What 3 things can be released when a volcano erupts?
What is melted rock, ash, and gases.
A giant wave caused by an earthquake under the ocean is called a _______.
What is a tsunami.
Which of the following choices moves sand dunes from one place to another? A. water B. wind C. gravity D. acid rain
What is B.
All of the Earth's liquid and solid water, including oceans, lakes, rivers, glaciers, and ice caps make up Earth's ___________.
What is hydrospher.
Scientists have discovered that the mountains on the east coast of South American closely math the mountains on the west coast of Africa. What best describes how two landforms that are so far apart be related? A. continental drift C. erosion B. earthquakes D. volcanic eruptions
What is A.
Most volcanoes tend to erupt at places where A. two plates collide B. two plates rub past each other C. one plate moves under another D. one plate moves away from another
What is C.
The place up or over the center of an earthquake is called the ___________.
What is the epicenter.
Which of the following helps prevent mudslides? A. rain B. plants C. wind D. sand
What is B.
Is the Earth's mantle part of the biosphere? Why or why not?
What is no because the biospher is made up of all the parts of Earth that contain living things. There are no living things on the mantle.
When plates are compressed they form what type of mountains?
What is a folded mountain.
Where is the ring of fire?
What is around the Pacific Ocean.
What is the difference between a Mercalli scale and the Richter scale?
What is the Mercalli scale measures the effects of an earthquake while the Richter scale measures the amount of energy released by an earthquake.
What causes chemical weathering?
What is pollution.
What is the largest landform beneath the ocean?
What is the ocean basin?
Explain what occurs during the following types of plate movements; plates move apart, plates push past each other, and plates push together.
What is plates move apart causing the spread of the ocean floor and continents, plates rub past each other causing earthquakes, and plates push together causing the formation of mountains.
What kind of volcanic mountain is made from thin lava that spreads over a large area? A. cincer-cone volcano B. shield volcano C. composite volcano D. crater
What is B.
How can an earthquake be compared to tossing a rock into a pond?
What is an earthquake has a spot where slipping begins, called a focu. The spot where a rock hits the water in a pond is similar to a focus because waves travel outward in all directions from the spot; in the same way water moves when you toss a rock into a pond.
How do weathering and erosion shape the land?
Weathering breaks down the land and erosion carries the weathered rock to another location.