A low mass star is much longer-lived than a high mass star because
A high mass star must burn its fuel faster
What determines a star’s life cycle?
Earth’s surface is constantly changing. The primary force responsible for this change is
plate tectonics
How do we classify minerals?
Chemical composition
What percent of Earth’s water is in the Oceans?
The Big Bang theory on the origin and evolution of the universe suggests all the matter and energy in the universe
expanded rapidly from a single, hot, dense point about 13.8 billion years ago
Where do elements heavier than hydrogen and helium come from?
Nuclear fusion from stars
The sequence of vertical rock layers can be used to determine the
relative age of each layer.
How are rocks classified?
How they are formed (ORIGIN), what they are formed from, and conditions of how they are formed.
What causes the Tides to occur?
Gravitational pull from the Moon
Nuclear fusion in the core of a High Mass Star fuses all the elements up to ________ on the periodic table
The estimated age of Earth according to scientific evidence is
4.5 billion years
Earth’s interior separated into layers based on differences in the
How are igneous rocks formed?
From the solidification of molten rock
What is the Coriolis Effect?
The force that causes objects to curve as they move long distances around Earth
What is the estimated age of the universe
13.7 billion
The most commonly accepted theory on the Moon’s formation suggests the moon formed
after the impact of a large body the size of Mars
Scientists believe the forces moving the tectonic plates are generated by
convection currents of molten rock generated by heat from Earth’s core
Which type of rock contains fossils?
ONLY sedimentary rock
At what type of plate boundary are most high continental mountains formed?
convergent boundary
Our solar system’s star, the Sun, is in which stage of its life cycle?
main sequence star
What is the electromagnetic spectrum?
A range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation and their respective wavelengths and photon energies. Such as Gamma, and Visible light.
A deep, stationary source of magma (not near a plate boundary) continually rising to Earth’s surface and forming a chain of volcanoes is a
hot spot
What are the two types of igneous rocks?
Intrusive and Extrusive
How does silica affect volcanic eruption and formation?
It affects its viscosity