The Earth's orbit around the sun lasts this long.
1 year or 365 Days
The order of the planets
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Why constellations change depending on the season?
The earth is orbiting the sun therefore depending on the seasons we are viewing a different part of the universe.
The amount of time it takes the moon to revolve around Earth
29 days/ approximately 1 month
These helps to keep the planets and moons in their orbits.
The amount of time it takes the Earth to make one full rotation
1 day or 24 hours
Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are called the
Inner Planets or Terrestrial Planets
When part of the Earth is tilted closer to the sun, that part of the world experiences this season.
Solar refers to the sun. This term refers to the moon.
Three ways to describe stars (properties)
What is color, temperature,magnitude, or size?
The shape of the Earth is a
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are called the
Outer Planets or Gas Giants
When part of the Earth is tilted away from the sun, that part of the world experiences this season.
During this phase of the moon, we can see no light from the moon.
New Moon
A cloud of gas and dust where stars form.
What is a stellar nebula?
This word describes the path that the Earth and all of the other planets take around the Sun
A giant red spot appears on this planet, describe what the giant red spot is as well..
Jupiter, a large old storm
If the northern hemisphere is experiencing Autumn, the southern hemisphere is experiencing this season.
When two moons happen in one month it is called this.
Blue Moon
The Sun appearing to Rise and Set is caused by this
The rotation of the Earth
The scientific word for the planets moving around the sun
What is revolution?
This planet has recently lost its planet status because it is too small. Which planet and what do they call it instead of a planet?
What is Pluto, the Dwarf Planet
We would not have seasons without this.
The tilted axis.
The moon affects this part of the Earth, changing it daily on our beaches.
The ocean tides
Massive stars end their existence in one of these TWO ways.
What is a black hole and neutron star?