True or false
Fill in the blank
Why care?

What is Earth Day?

A yearly celebration that raises awareness of the need to protect and sustain the Earth and its resources.


When was Earth Day founded?

Earth Day was founded in 1970.


True or false: Earth Day is on May 22nd this year. 

False. Earth Day is on April 22nd this year (which is today).


We can sustain our Earth by...

A. Using less water.

B. Cutting down more trees.

C. Both are correct.

"A" is the correct answer. By using less water, future generations should still be able to survive for either as long as us or longer than us.


Why should we care about our Earth?

Because Earth is our world that supplies us without our resources. However, there isn't an infinite amount of resources, which makes Earth Day a very important day; it reminds us to be mindful of what we use.


What is Deforestation?

The process of cutting down a large amount of trees per day, week, month, or year.


How many plant, animal, and insect species are getting endangered or extinct each year due to Deforestation?

About 50,000 plant, animal, and insect species are getting endangered or extinct each year, just from deforestation.


True or false: The more trees that we take down, the less carbon dioxide will be absorbed by the trees and the less oxygen that will be created and released. 


Trees provide us with...

A. Carbon Dioxide.

B. Shade from the Sun.

C. Oxygen.

D. Both B and C.

"D" is the correct answer. Trees can provide us with both shade from the Sun and oxygen so that we can breathe.


Why should we care about our trees and forests?

Because trees and forests help us live by supplying humans, animals, some plants, and insects, with shade from the Sun and oxygen to breathe with.

Also, water can be provided with some shade to stay cool and have a lower chance of evaporating, preventing droughts.



What is Climate Change?

Long-term changes in temperatures and the weather. 


With the climate slowly rising each year, are we slowly losing our water supply each year?

Yes. If the climate keeps rising, our water will slowly evaporate.


True or false: Humans have been the main cause of climate change since the 1950's.



Climate change can cause...

A. Colder temperatures.

B. Hotter temperatures.

C. Slower service at your local Tim Hortons.

"B" is the correct answer. Climate change contributes mostly to hotter temperatures, which can cause ice glaciers to detach from each other and melt.


Why should we care about our climate?

Because hotter climates result to higher chances of droughts. This also means that we should stop deforestation as trees are our natural source of shade for both us and water. 


What is Drought?

A period in the climate that's completely dry; either no rain for a long period of time or bodies of water can be empty. 


How long can droughts last?

Droughts can last anywhere between a few months to a few years. That all depends on the area the drought is happening in.


True or false: Without any liquids due to droughts, humans can survive. 

False. Humans can't survive without water for more than a couple of days; our bodies are made of about 70% water.


Besides droughts causing long periods without water, droughts can also cause...

A. Busy hours at Walmart.

B. High demand for fuel.

C. High water demand.

"C" is the correct answer. Humans need to stay hydrated in order to survive. After a couple of days without water, humans can be very dehydrated and possibly die.


Why should we care about our water supply?

Because we don't have an infinite amount of water on our planet. Also, linking back to climate change and deforestation, more and more water is being exposed to the Sun, therefore heating multiples bodies of water up rapidly.  

What is pollution?

Pollution is the act of releasing harmful materials into the environment. For example, landfills with mountains of plastic items (water bottles, plastic bags, etc) is what you call "plastic pollution".  


How much plastic bags are used by Canadians every year?

In Canada alone, about 15 billion plastic bags are used every year. Of course, they go straight to landfills after they're done getting used. So, that's why stores/suppermarkets are starting to sell customers reusable bags; they do cost more, but the environment can really benefit from these reusable bags. Also, landfills can start to slowly decrease in size due to these reusable bags.


True or false: 500 million marine animals die each year just from plastic pollution/landfills.

False. Only 100 million marine animals die each year just from plastic pollution/landfills. That might not sound as bad as 500 million, but 100 million is still a HUGE amount of marine animals dying.


Pollution is most caused by...

A. Vehicle emissions.

B. Solid and liquid particles and certain gases that are suspended in the air.

C. Greenhouse gases.

D. All the above.

"D" is the correct answer. All of the things above are some of the main causes of multiple types of pollution, such as "air pollution".


Why care about animal deaths and how they lose their homes?

Because pollution causes what some call, a "Domino effect". For example, if chickens go extinct, humans will not be able to get their primary source of protein and meats.

Another example is if a forest is taken over by a factory, where would all the animals within the forest (squirrels, deer, coyotes, bears, etc) live? Especially if a forest isn't near by, the animals can't just migrate. 
