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Eco Teachers
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The first Earth Day took place in 1970. How many years ago was that?

What is 54 years ago ?


Ms. Kraemer's class is planting flowers at school for Earth Day. They will plant fourteen daffodils, eleven tulips, and twenty poppies. How many flowers will they plant in all?

What is 45 ?


If a tree absorbs 20 kilograms of carbon dioxide per year, and a forest contains 500 trees, how many kilograms of carbon dioxide does the forest absorb annually?

What is 10,000 kg per year ?


There are 23 countries in the continent of North America. How many of those countries are Canadian?

What is 1 ?


The first Earth Day took place in this U.S. state, nicknamed "the golden state".

What is California ?


Mr. Revai bought a truck that doesn't use much gas. It can go 27 km on 1L of gas. How far can the car go on three litres of gas?

What is 81 km ?


Rachel went to an Earth Day Fair. She bought a book about the Grand River at the fair. The book cost $4.94. She gave the clerk ten dollars. How much change did she get?

What is $5.06 ?


This year's global Earth Day theme is "Planet vs. ___ " what P word?

What is plastics ?


That class will see a movie about taking care of the Earth. The movie will begin at 12:08 p.m. It lasts 1 hour and 46 minutes. What time will the movie be over?

What is 1:54 p.m. ?


If there are 4 teachers who help with the Eco Club, and 1 teacher is away tree planting, what percentage of  teachers are left?

 What is 75% ?


If the carbon tax is 15 cents per litre, how much will 1L of gas cost?

What is $1.15 ?


True or False: One million plastic bottles are purchased every minute, worldwide.

What is true ?


Using the 24 hour clock, how would you express the time 1:54 p.m. ?

What is 13:54 ?


Mrs. Lowes' class is making posters for Earth Day. The posters will be put up in the hall. They need twenty posters. They have made fourteen posters. What kind of paper will they use?

What is GOOS (good on one side) paper?


According to a major car manufacturer, you can save $252 on gas per year if you drive 10 000 km per year. How much is that per thousand kilometers?

What is $25.20 ?


By 2050 there will be more plastic in the oceans than there are these scaly creatures (by weight).

What are fish ?

There is more microplastic in the oceans than there are stars in our galaxy! What is the name of our galaxy?

What is the Milky Way ?


Ms. Morris' class is planting flowers at school for Earth Day. They will plant fourteen daffodils, eleven tulips, and twenty poppies. How many yellow flowers will they plant in all?

What is <= 14 ?


Neveah buys one reusable bag for 40 cents. Single use plastic bags are 5 cents. How many trips to the store will it take before Neveah's reusable bag starts saving her money?

What is 8 trips ?
By turning off the tap when you brush your teeth morning and night, you can save 30.2833 L of water per day! Round that to the nearest whole number.

What is 30 L ?
