3 R's
Playing Our Part

What does it mean to use things carefully so that we don't harm the Earth for future generations?

To be sustainable. 


What are some natural resources we use in every day life?

Air, Sunlight, Oil, Coal, Metals, Soil


What does it mean to "reduce" when it comes to taking care of the Earth?

It means using less of something to minimize waste and conserve resources.


How does cutting down trees affect where animals live, and why is it important to think about animals when we use trees?

Cutting down trees removes homes and food sources for animals. It's important to think about animals because they need these trees to survive.


What are some things you can do at home to help take care of the Earth?

 Examples include recycling, conserving water and energy, and reducing waste.


What are the main products that cause landfills and how does this affect sustainability?

Plastic, food waste, glass, papers , hospital and household items. After days, they being to produce carbon dioxide, methane , and hydrogen, and eventually causes climate change. Thus affects sustainability.


What does it mean to "waste resources"?

Wasting resources means unnecessary consumption of useful items such as water or electricity.


What does the term "reduce, reuse, recycle" encourage people to do

To use their resources wisely and minimally, not waste them rather re-build them to make use of them in several other ways.


What does it mean by endangered species and why are some species endangered? Can you name at least three endangered species?

When only a few animals or plants of a species are present they are called endangered. Animals usually become endangered because of over hunting or the destruction of their habitat. Examples are Orangutans, Gorillas, Rhinos etc.


What can you do to help reduce climate change?

One can use energy efficient appliances, carpool, use less hot water, recycle and reuse more products, plant trees etc.


How does plastic negatively affect to sustainability?

Use of plastic conveys plastic pollution in the sea and on land. Plastic pollution can endangers animal lives harm the food supply of aquatic life and marine life, and. Also plastic  causes chemical pollution as it is made from chemicals that cause global warming like coal and fuels.


How can we obtain resources from earth?

Ways to obtain resources include mining, drilling for oil, cutting down trees, and farming.


Can you think of something that you've reused recently instead of throwing it away?

Answers will vary but might include using a container for storage instead of buying new ones.


What is global warming and how is global warming affecting habitats?

Global warming is a rise in earths average temperature due to release of green houses gases. It affects vegetation, food sources, and access to water, even causing migration and extinction of some animals!


Can you think of a time when you helped take care of the environment?

Answers will vary but might include participating in a beach cleanup or planting trees.


Why is overconsumption of products bad? 

 It might lead to shortages of resources, pollution, or environmental damage that future generations have to deal with.


What might happen if we run out of important resources like water or trees?

It could lead to shortages, conflicts, and environmental degradation, affecting ecosystems and human life.


Why is recycling important?

Recycling reduces waste, conserves resources, and helps protect the environment by reducing pollution and energy consumption.


What are the actions responsible for marine life damage and how can we help?

Human actions like littering , oil spills, and release of fossil fuels , and waste water removal from factories harm marine life. We can help by switching to non-renewable sources, treating waste water before disposal, and being concious of where we throw waste.


What can our school do to help protect the environment?

Schools and communities can implement recycling programs, organize clean-up events, and promote environmental education.


Is it fair if we use up all of the Earth's resources without thinking about the future? Why or why not?

No, as we should be considerate to the future generations and without these resources which we are taking for granted today, there will be no tomorrow. 


Why should we utilize renewable resources rather than utilize non-renewable resources?

Non-renewable resources like coal release Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which can lead to global warming, and wastes fossil fuels which are limited. While renewable resources makes use of water, wind, tides etc. to generate energy so is infinitely available and environment friendly


Think of some challenges you may face while spreading the 3R's.. how will you overcome them?

It may be hard to reduce everyday resources like water, electricity, or paper or find a way to re-use them in a more appropriate way rather than waste them. But one can try having showers instead, or using only fans, and recycling paper, or using bottles for piggy banks etc.


Why should we care about protecting habitats like forests or oceans, even if we don't live in them ourselves?

We should care because habitats provide clean air, water, and resources for everyone. They also support biodiversity and help regulate the climate, which affects everyone on Earth.


How can you encourage others to take care of the earth?

By setting a positive example, sharing information about environmental issues, and collaborating on projects or initiatives aimed at protecting the environment.
