How many basic layers does Earth have?
4 or 3
Crust, Mantle, Outer and Inner core
The two type of crust, the part of the crust that we live on is the....
Oceanic crust or Continental Crust
Continental crust
The Mantle is where you can find
Lava or Magma
How many layers make up the entire core
2 or 3
2 cores
Which country has the most Volcanoes
1. United States 165
2. Japan 120
3. Indonesia 116
4. Russia 115
This is the layer that humans (all of us) live on
Mantle or Crust
Volcanoes or Pizzas
The mantle makes up (blank) about how much percent of the earth?
80 or 40
What is the outer core made of?
Iron and Nickle or Water and Pizza
Iron and nickel
Name 1 of the 11 countries with the least amounts of earthquakes
Qatar, Chad, Niger, The Bahamas, Côte d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Finland, Denmark, Latvia, Ireland, and Uruguay
What is the hottest layer of Earth?
Crust of Inner Core
Inner Core
What is the average thickness of the oceanic crust?
5 km or 35 km
About 5 km thick
What is the process of rising of warm magma and sinking of cool magma?
Convection or Frozen
Convection currents
The inner core rotates eastward like the surface but is moving....
Slower or Faster
a little faster, making an extra rotation about every 1,000 years.
This rigid layer is made up of the crust and the uppermost mantle.
The layer that is responsible for Earth's magnetism
Mantle or Outer Core
Outer Core
How deep is the Continental Crust?
5 km or 35 km
Between 35 thick
The Mantle is where this type of precious rock is made?
Diamonds or Dwayne Johnson
The Earth's electromagnetic field created by moving metal in this state of matter?
Liquid or Solid
What country did the first volcano on Earth thought to erupt?
The oldest lava flows found on Earth, near the village of Inukjuak, on the shore of Hudson Bay in Canada, are 3.825 billion years old.
Which layer of the earth is Magma locatd
Mantle or Inner Core
The Continental crust is made from Granite, and the Oceanic crust is made of ______ ?
Basalt or Magma
Basalt (oceanic).
The mantle is made up of two parts.
Upper and Lower or Sporty and Scary.
Upper and Lower
The inner core has so much pressure that its molecules can not move. This pressure is from the layers of the earth and this....
atmosphere or asteroids
This is the layer under the Lithosphere, it is made up of the upper layer of the earth's mantle, where convection is thought to occur.
Through out the class I have mentioned it 5 times
I mention 2 twice when I talked about convection and 3 times in the previous answer about the lithosphere