The earth revolves around the sun, the ____ revolves around the earth
what is the moon?
The tides are caused by
What is the gravitational pull of the moon?
the eighth phase of the moon
what is full moon?
color of the moon during a solar eclipse
what is black?
makes the moon shine bright
What is the reflection of the sun to the moon?
how many phases does the moon have in its cycle
what are 8 phases?
other thing that causes the tides
what is the sun?
the fifth phase of the moon
what is the waxing gibbous?
color of the moon during a lunar eclipse
what is the color blood?
What place is the moon to largest to biggest moons in the solar system
what is the fifth largest moon in the solar system?
the creators on the moon are caused by
(Note, you only have to get 1 of them)
what are comets, meteorites, asteroids?
times a day that the tides come in
what is 2?
the position of the moon on the east side of the earth
what is full moon?
phase of the moon in a solar eclipse
what is a new moon?
The moon is in between what during a lunar eclipse
what are the sun and earth?
earth's natural satellite
what is the moon?
a way to predict tides
what is the motion of the sun and moon?
the earth is north of the sun so it is in what equinox
what is the autumn equinox?
conditions for a lunar eclipse
what are a full moon, and very close to the moon?
days it takes the moon to orbit the earth
what is 27.3 days?
The moon's name
who is Luna?
highest tide difference
what is 15 meters?
degree that the earth is tilted
what is 23.5 degrees?
often of solar eclipses
what is 18 months?
The tallest mountain on the moon
What is Mons Huygens