What device has an open tube that brings back narrow cores of sediment from the ocean floor?
Gravity Corer
What is the most important and abundant greenhouse gas?
Water vapor
What is a wave that grows taller and steeper as it travels to shore and topples forward with a white crest?
What is the coldest point in the atmosphere?
What substance makes up most of the salt in the oceans?
Sodium chloride
What global winds blow from the east toward the west, between 30° and 0° latitude?
Trade winds
What is an upward-flowing current that occurs when a land breeze pushes surface water away from the coast?
What name is given to the upper atmosphere because of its distinct gas layers?
What device do oceanographers use to measure the temperatures at different levels and report them back to a surface ship?
Expendable Bathythermograph
What global winds occur at high latitudes and move away from the poles?
Polar Easterlies