Rock Types and Processes
Water Systems and Climate
Atmospheric Patterns and Weather
Earth's Structure and Landforms
Astronomy and Space

This type of rock is formed from cooled magma or lava.

What is igneous rock?


This process involves the conversion of liquid water to water vapor through the heat of the sun.

What is evaporation?


These large-scale patterns in the atmosphere influence weather and climate around the world.

What are global wind patterns?


This theory explains the movement of the Earth's lithosphere on the semi-fluid asthenosphere.

What is the theory of continental drift?


This term describes the spinning motion of the Earth on its axis, which causes day and night.

What is rotation?


This process involves the breakdown of rock into smaller pieces due to exposure to weathering agents like water, wind, and temperature changes.

What is weathering?


This characteristic describes the ability of water to conduct electricity

What is electrical conductivity?


This atmospheric factor is a measure of the force exerted by the weight of the air above.

What is atmospheric pressure?


This type of volcano has a broad, gently sloping profile and is formed by the accumulation of low-viscosity lava flows.

What is a shield volcano?


This small rocky body orbits the Sun and is often referred to as a "minor planet.  

What is an asteroid?


This type of soil layer is typically rich in organic matter and is essential for plant growth

What is humus?


This type of water system is characterized by its high biological diversity and ability to filter pollutants

What is a wetland system?


This type of cloud is thin and wispy, often forming at high altitudes and indicating fair weather.

What are cirrus clouds?


This type of fault is characterized by vertical movement where the hanging wall moves downward relative to the footwall.

What is a normal fault?


This phase of the moon occurs when the moon is directly between the Earth and the Sun, with its illuminated side facing away from Earth.

What is a new moon?


Fossils provide evidence about plants and animals that once lived and can help scientists reconstruct past environments. What type of rock are most fossils

What is sedimentary rock?


The flow rate of a stream depends on factors like slope, channel width, and this other factor.

What is discharge?


This wind phenomenon is caused by the rotation of the Earth and generally blows from east to west.

What are trade winds?


This process, often associated with convergent plate boundaries, results in the uplift of large landforms.

What is orogeny?


During this type of eclipse, the Sun is obscured by the Moon, casting a shadow on the Earth.

What is a solar eclipse?


This human-made process involves extracting valuable minerals or other geological materials from the Earth's surface.

What is mining?


This phenomenon, named after a natural feature, occurs when cold air moves over warmer water, resulting in heavy snowfall downwind.

What is lake effect snow?


A rapid decrease in barometric pressure often indicates the approach of this type of weather system.

What is a low-pressure system or storm?


This erosional landform is characterized by steep cliffs, often formed along coastlines or river valleys.

What is a cliff?


This type of tide occurs when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are aligned, resulting in higher high tides and lower low tides.

What are spring tides?
