Scientists group rocks into three categories by how they are formed. What are those categories?
Igneous rocks, Sedimentary rocks, and Metamorphic rocks
What is one large extinct mammal that has been found encased in ice?
Wooly Mammoths
What does a paleontologist study?
I am obsidian, I look like glass with no crystals inside. My common colors are black, brown, and red. I was very hot and cooled quickly. What rock family am I in?
Igneous Rocks
How is an igneous rock formed?
These rocks are formed when magma or melted rock cool and harden into new rock.
What is geology?
It is the study of the planet earth.
What is a fossil?
What are plants and animals from a previous time that have been preserved in rock.
I form layers in my rock called strata. What rock family do I belong to?
Sedimentary rock
How is sedimentary rock formed?
Sedimentary rocks are formed when layers of sediments are pressed and cemented together.
What are the three main layers that the earth is composed of?
crust, mantle, and core
How are fossils formed?
Fossils are formed when an animal or plant is quickly covered by mud, wet sand, ice, or tar. After it is covered minerals slowly replace the bones, scales, shells, and other parts of the animal that do not quickly decay.
I am slate, I was formed from shale rock that experienced pressure and heat over time to become a very hard rock. What rock family do I belong to?
Metamorphic rocks
How are metamorphic rocks formed?
Metamorphic rocks are formed when igneous or sedimentary rocks are exposed to pressure and heat.
What are the pieces of ice that break off of a glacier into the water called?
95% of all the fossils are what?
They are marine invertebrates-mostly shellfish
Most fossils are found in this type of rock.
Sedimentary rock
Do all rocks sink? Please explain your answer in detail.
Not all rocks sink. Pumice does not sink but floats because when it was formed the lava was full of hot gases that were trapped inside. Eventually the gases escaped, leaving the holes behind. These air bubbles make pumice very light.
Why are Icebergs so dangerous?
Only a small portion of the iceberg is visible above the surface of the water and the unexposed portion poses a significant danger because its larger on the bottom below the surface of the water.
What are the three fossil fuels?
Coal, oil, and natural gas are the three fossil fuels that are results of plants that were buried in the past, and with time, heat, and pressure changed into these forms of energy we use today.
I am a mineral that contains both sodium and chlorine in equal amounts, some say I am tasty.