the differences of land elevations in a region
mountain landforms that result mainly from forces within the crust
tectonic mountains
The ability of wind and water to transport sediment depends on what?
What is the tallest mountain?
a. by actual height
b. by elevation
Mauna Kea
Mt. Everest
Which of the following is a monocline and example of? divergent; subsidence; convergent; uplift; erosional; depositional
height of a mountain's peak above mean seal level
mountains that are made of anticlines and synclines
fold mountains
What forms a monadnock (2 things)?
rising magma and erosion
a series of mountain peaks in the same geographical area
mountain range
Which of the following is a drumlin and example of? divergent; subsidence; convergent; uplift; erosional; depositional
longest and most extensive mountain system on earth
Mid-Atlantic Ridge
If sedimentary rock strata are smoothly shapes, this indicated that...
the rock strata were still soft when they were quickly folded
What kind of erosion causes stone arches?
water erosion
Where are the youngest rocks in a geologic basin?
in the center
Which of the following is a monocline and example of? divergent; subsidence; convergent; uplift; erosional; depositional
Where would you see the greatest relief?
mountains and valleys
Where would you find the older rocks in an eroded syncline?
on both sides of the fold
What two things can form sand dunes?
wind and water
piles of broken rocks at the base of a cliff
Which of the following is a dome an example of? divergent; subsidence; convergent; uplift; erosional; depositional
the study of mountain building processes
What kind of structure would a normal fault that formed deep under a series of overlying rock strata create?
What three things cause depositional hills and mountains?
glaciers, volcanoes, and wind
2 factors that distinguish mountains from hills
height and local tradition
Which of the following is a sand dune example of? divergent; subsidence; convergent; uplift; erosional; depositional