It's Like an Onion, Dude
Bumper Cars
Earth Shattering Experiences
Welcoming Atmosphere
Thunderbolt and Lightning, Very Very Frightening
The hottest layer of the earth.
What is the core?
Plates come together at this type of boundary.
What is a convergent boundary?
The two categories of seismic waves.
What are body waves and surface waves?
These two layers of the atmosphere are thermally stable.
What are the stratosphere and thermosphere?
Air responds in this way to differences in pressure.
What is the flow of air from high to low pressure?
The upper, plastic part of the mantle.
What is the asthenosphere?
Why is volcanism more common at the convergence of ocean and continental crust, and less common at the convergence of two continental crusts?
Crust subducted at an ocean-continent boundary contains water. This produces low density magma that rises and forms volcanoes.
These types of seismic waves are the first and second to arrive at seismic stations, respectively.
What are P- and S-waves?
This substance, which blocks UV light, is found in the stratosphere.
What is ozone?
Rising air encounters lower pressures, allowing it to expand and experience this type of temperature change.
What is adiabatic cooling?
The layer of the earth that is above the local melting point.
What is the outer core?
Ocean trenches form as a result of this process.
What is subduction?
Data from two seismic stations can narrow down the determination of an earthquake epicenter to this number of possible locations.
What is two?
Two layers of the atmosphere are unstable, producing clouds and winds. This is the uppermost of the two.
What is the mesosphere?
The three ingredients needed for cloud formation.
What are water, temperature decrease, and condensation nuclei?
Two layers in which convection occurs.
What are the mantle and the outer core?
What pattern in crustal magnetic anomalies would you expect to find on a planet that has diverging tectonic plates and global magnetic field that periodically changes direction?
Stripes of alternating magnetic fields that are parallel to, and symmetrical about, that boundary.
On a nomogram, the magnitude of an earthquake is determined by drawing a line between measured values of these two quantities.
What are epicenter distance and largest S-wave amplitude?
Surface winds converge at, or near, the equator, for this reason.
The low pressure caused by rising hot air.
Mars has only one large-scale atmospheric convection cell in each hemisphere (as opposed to three for the earth). Why does this difference occur, given that Mars and Earth have approximately the same rotational period?
The velocity of the Martian surface is lower because it's a smaller planet. The Coriolis Effect is therefore weaker, and air can travel farther north or south before being deflected.
The outer core is ultimately responsible for this display of light in the night sky at high latitudes.
What is the aurora?
Mercury does not have plate tectonics for this reason.
Mercury is small, and therefore not hot enough to produce mantle convection and plate motion.
What broad conclusion can you draw about the location of an earthquake relative to your seismic station, if you do not receive S-waves from the quake?
The earthquake must be on the other side of the earth.
The space exploration industry declares the atmosphere to end, and space to begin, at an altitude of 100 km. What is wrong with the logic behind this declaration?
There is no well-defined edge of space (top of atmosphere).
In an infrared satellite image, India is light grey, while Australia is dark grey. Which location is likely to experience monsoon rainfall in the coming weeks, and why?
Australia. Dark grey in infrared images indicates warm temperatures. It is therefore southern summer, and time for monsoon rain.