The zero line of latitude?
the equator
What is the elevation at the peak of this hill?
600 feet
This branch of earth science is concerned with the physical and historical earth.
Identify Earth layer A
What country is located at 20°S and 60°W?
South America
What is the contour interval shown here?
100 feet
The branch of earth science that deals with the planets and the solar system
An educated guess based on research is called a(n)...
Which ocean is 80°N and 100°E?
Arctic Ocean
When a slope is steep, contour lines look like this.
close together
All of the water on earth is considered this "sphere" of earth.
the hydrosphere
Identify earth layers C & D
outer and inner core
Describe the temperature/climate at 80°S and 100°E
very cold and frozen
This type of contour line has tick marks pointing inside of a circle.
a depression contour for a hole or valley
This "sphere" of earth includes all living things.
the biosphere
How do we test a hypothesis?
The zero degree line of longitude?
the prime meridian
When contour lines are far apart, you have this kind of slope.
low or shallow slope
The study of weather and climate
Identify earth layer B