Weather, Climate, Spheres
Plate Tectonics
Atmospheric Heat Transfer
Earth's Evolution
Rock Cycle

The atmosphere surrounding Earth helps to maintain the various climates found around the world and keeps Earth from becoming extremely cold all over. How does the atmosphere help to keep Earth insulated and warm?

  1. The atmosphere creates heat as Earth moves through space, helping to insulate Earth.

  2. The atmosphere traps the heat generated by Earth's core and helps maintain Earth's climate.

  3. The atmosphere helps spread the warmth from the water near the equator to other parts of Earth.

  4. The atmosphere helps trap heat energy from the Sun and energy radiated from Earth to maintain the climate

4 The atmosphere helps trap heat energy from the Sun and energy radiated from Earth to maintain the climate


Michael and Jose are studying about plate tectonics. They learned that plates usually move a few centimeters every year.  They learned that the movement of heated material caused the plates to move.  In which layer does the heated material move?

  1. Crust

  2. Inner Core

  3. Mantle

  4. Outer Core

3  Mantle


Where does the energy that creates global patterns of wind movement come from?

  1. Radiation energy from the Sun

  2. Coriolis currents from the Earth’s rotation

  3. Conduction between the Sun and the ground

  4. Convection between areas of similar air pressure

1 Radiation energy from the Sun


ason lives on a ranch in Wyoming. There is a large sedimentary rock outcrop on the ranch. He found one fossil embedded in the rock near the top of the outcrop and another embedded in the rock almost at the bottom of the outcrop. What do their positions tell him about the two fossils?

  1. The lower fossil is older than the upper fossil. 

  2. The upper fossil is older than the lower fossil.

  3. The upper fossil must be that of a climbing animal.

  4. The lower fossil must have washed down from the top.

1 The lower fossil is older than the upper fossil.


he Earth has four layers with different properties. In which layer of the Earth would you find a semi-solid rock that flows like a liquid in convection currents?

2  Mantle

  1. In the fourth century BC, Aristotle observed a phenomenon in which he saw a circular shadow on the Moon. He argued that Earth was a sphere based on this observation. What phenomenon caused the shadow on the Moon?

  2. a solar eclipse

  3. a lunar eclipse

  4. a spring equinox

  5. a summer solstice

3 a lunar eclipse


During the summer, wildfires are common in Northern Florida. The smoke gets carried by wind into highly populated areas, where humans and other animals have difficulty breathing. Which spheres of the Earth are interacting in this example?

  1. Atmosphere and biosphere

  2. Cryosphere and biosphere

  3. Atmosphere and cryosphere

  4. Geosphere and biosphere

1 Atmosphere and biosphere


There are places on the surface of the Earth where two tectonic plates slide against each other, moving in opposite directions. Sometimes these plates become stuck and don't move for long periods of time, which causes a lot of energy to build between the two plates until there is too much energy and the plates slip, causing a sudden motion. What is the result of this sudden motion?

  1. earthquakes
  2. mountains

  3. volcanoes

  4. large valleys

1 earthquakes


Matthew noticed that the weather in Jacksonville has been cool for several days.  As the temperatures warmed up, Matthew noticed that it was also very windy. What effect does temperature have on local wind patterns?

  1. Uneven heating of the Earth causes differences in air pressure

  2. Conduction transfers energy to move into the atmosphere

  3. Convection currents in the water create air currents

  4. Energy is transferred from cooler areas to hotter areas

1  Uneven heating of the Earth causes differences in air pressure


Sometimes the layers in a rock face look as if they have been bent or broken. What is the most likely cause of this?

  1. uneven deposition of sediment as the rock formed

  2. folding and faulting in an earthquake 

  3. weathering and erosion of some rock layers

  4. lava flows in a volcanic eruption

2  folding and faulting in an earthquake 


What must happen in order for a metamorphic rock to be transformed into an igneous rock?

  1. It must be compressed by high temperatures and pressure within Earth's crust.

  2. It must be soaked in water until it dissolves and reforms in a different shape.

  3. It must be pulled under Earth's crust, melted, and forced out above the crust to cool. 

  4. It must be weathered into sand grains and compressed into multiple layers

3  It must be pulled under Earth's crust, melted, and forced out above the crust to cool.

  1. What would be the resulting condition if Earth's axis was perpendicular to the Sun?

  1. The winters would be much colder.

  2. There would no longer be seasons.

  3. The summers would be much hotter.

  4. There would be a reversal of seasons.

2  There would no longer be seasons.


Alise is trying to describe the climate of her home state, Florida, to a friend who lives in California. Which statement best describes the climate where she lives?

  1. It typically rains in the afternoon during the summer.

  2. The average yearly temperature is 22°C (72°F). 

  3. Yesterday the temperature was 32°C (90°F) and it was raining.

  4. It is usually hot at the beach

2 The average yearly temperature is 22°C (72°F).


Using underwater sonar, scientists created a map of the ocean floor. Data from the middle of the Atlantic Ocean revealed large undersea mountains.  Which type of plate boundary caused this mid-ocean ridge?

  1. Convergent Plate Boundary

  2. Transform Plate Boundary

  3. Divergent Plate Boundary

  4. Subduction Plate Boundary

3 Divergent Plate Boundary


If you visit the beach on a hot summer day you will probably feel a sea breeze coming off the water onto the land. Which of the following causes this sea breeze?

  1. During the day, solar radiation warms the land more than the water. 

  2. The water is warmer than the land during the day.

  3. Earth is tilted toward the Sun, causing air to move inland from the water.

  4. Hurricanes that form in the oceans blow air into the shore

1  During the day, solar radiation warms the land more than the water.


It is possible to find pollen fossilized in sedimentary rock layers. Even though pollen grains are very small, they have hard coverings that help them maintain their shape as the rock forms. Further, the pollen from each type of plant has a different shape than other types of pollen. If large quantities of pollen from a tropical tree are found fossilized in many of the rocks in a desert, what would scientists conclude from this?

  1. Great quantities of pollen blew in from some tropical area.

  2. People and animals carried the pollen as they crossed the desert.

  3. The area once had a tropical climate which supported the tropical tree. 

  4. The rocks must have been brought in from a place where the tree grows

3  The area once had a tropical climate which supported the tropical tree.


Gravity, water, wind, and heat can all contribute to erosion. Which of the following natural landforms are primarily formed by wind erosion?

  1. deep river canyons

  2. desert sand dunes

  3. mudslides

  4. sinkholes

2   desert sand dunes


Consuela lives on the east coast of Florida where she notices a neap tide that occurs twice a month.  

Which two of the four Moon positions shown above will cause neap tides? 

  1. positions 1 and 2

  2. positions 1 and 3

  3. positions 2 and 4

  4. positions 3 and 4

3  positions 2 and 4


In a desert ecosystem, many of the Earth’s spheres interact. Which sphere would be MOST affected if there were a lack of water from the ecosystem’s hydrosphere? 

  1. The geosphere because the aquifer would not be recharged.

  2. The biosphere because the plants need water for cell growth.

  3. The cryosphere because it will not be able to crystallize molecules.

  4. The atmosphere because lack of rain will reduce the humidity levels.

2 The biosphere because the plants need water for cell growth.


What would be the most likely effect of a convergent plate boundary between oceanic and continental crust?

  1. Earthquakes

  2. Mountain Building

  3. Seafloor Spreading and Volcanoes

  4. Volcanoes and Trenches

4  Volcanoes and Trenches


In which atmospheric action can we see evidence of conduction?

  1. Radiation from the Sun heats the surface of the Earth.

  2. The surface of the Earth heats the air that contacts it. 

  3. Cold air pushes warm air upward creating a current.

  4. Air increases in density and sinks back towards the Earth.

2 The surface of the Earth heats the air that contacts it


What would be the most effective way for a scientist to get an idea of the actual age of a rock?

  1. Measure the relative amounts of radioactive elements in it. 

  2. Judge its position in the rock face relative to that of other rocks.

  3. Measure the amounts of different forms of carbon it contains.

  4. Estimate how much of it has worn away since it formed originally

1 Measure the relative amounts of radioactive elements in it.


Urbanization occurs when people relocate from rural to urban areas. Which of the following examples best describes an effect of people moving to large cities?

  1. More land is available in large cities to grow crops.

  2. Wildlife diversity increases due to more open spaces within the city.

  3. Emissions from motor vehicles increase smog in the air that can trap heat from the Sun.

  4. The greater concentration of people in large cities reduces overall waste production and accumulation on Earth.

3  Emissions from motor vehicles increase smog in the air that can trap heat from the Sun.


The planets in our solar system share some similarities, but they also have significant differences. For example, one day on Neptune is only about 16.1 hours, while one day on Earth is about 24 hours.  Earth has only one moon, while Neptune has 13. Which of the following is also an accurate comparison of Earth and Neptune?

  1. Neptune has a more solid surface than Earth.

  2. Neptune has a longer period of rotation than Earth.

  3. Neptune has a longer period of revolution than Earth.

  4. Neptune has a higher than average temperature than Earth.

3  Neptune has a longer period of revolution than Earth


In Jacksonville, heavy amounts of rainfall can take place during hurricane season. In addition, a storm surge floods the beach areas before storms make landfall. Which of the following represent a possible interaction between the geosphere and the hydrosphere during a hurricane?

  1. The plants and animals will lose their habitats due to wind

  2. The clouds contain high amounts of humidity in the form of water.

  3. The flood water will wash away sand and soil from the beach.

  4. The high winds pick up small objects, causing damage to buildings.

3  The flood water will wash away sand and soil from the beach.


The majority of the volcanoes shown are located around the Pacific Ocean in an area called the Ring of Fire.  How is the location of volcanoes in the Ring of Fire related to tectonic plate boundaries?

  1. Most volcanoes in the Ring of Fire are located at the equator.

  2. Most volcanoes in the Ring of Fire are located along a mid-ocean ridge.

  3. There is no consistent pattern in the location of volcanoes in the Ring of Fire.

  4. Most volcanoes in the Ring of Fire are where an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate.

4  Most volcanoes in the Ring of Fire are where an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate.


A group of scientists is conducting research on marine life found at various depths in the ocean. In addition to recording the depth at which each organism is observed, they note the temperature of the water. As they analyze their data, they notice that the temperature increases as depth decreases. They also notice that the water near the surface heats up the fastest. Which of the following statements best supports their observations?

  1. Convection causes warmer water to rise, and radiation heats water at the surface.

  2. Conduction causes warmer water to rise, and radiation heats water at the surface. 

  3. Radiation causes warmer water to rise, and conduction heats water at the surface. 

  4. Conduction causes cooler water to sink, and convection heats water at the surface

1  Convection causes warmer water to rise, and radiation heats water at the surface.


The oldest rocks on Earth are found in Canada near the center of the North American Plate. Where would be the most likely place to find very young rocks?

  1. in Northern India, where the plates are colliding

  2. in the Hawaiian Islands, where a plate passes over a hot spot 

  3. in Southern California, where two plates are sliding past each other

  4. in the middle of the South American Plate, where there is no plate boundary

2 in the Hawaiian Islands, where a plate passes over a hot spot


Many different factors can affect the rock cycle, including the actions of living things. How have human activities, such as deforestation influenced the rock cycle?

  1. Human activities has caused more volcanic activity, which creates metamorphic rock.

  2. Human activities have changed the composition of the soil, which results in more metamorphic rock.

  3. Human activities have caused more melting and cooling within the Earth, which drives the rock cycle.

  4. Human activities have caused the creation of more erosion and sediment, which makes sedimentary rock.

4  Human activities have caused the creation of more erosion and sediment, which makes sedimentary rock.


Which of the following pairs of characteristics do the inner planets have in common?    

  1. small size and rocky surfaces

  2. length of seasons and period of revolution

  3. surface temperature and number of moons

  4. composition of atmosphere and period of rotation

1 small size and rocky surfaces
