Earth's Land Processes
Oceanic/Continental Landforms
Waves, Tides, Currents
Ocean Shore Zone
Impacts on the Ocean Shore Zone
A destructive force is ...
What is a force that destroys?
I dug my feet down into the sand. I am playing on the _______________________ ______________.
What is continental shelf?
Winds blow across the surface of the ocean causing the water to move.
What is waves?
When I put my feet in salty water and am standing on sand, I am on the _____________.
What is beach?
Tides change the amount of sand, shells, and ocean sediments causing the ________________ of the islands to change.
What is shape?
Shells on the beach is a direct result of ______________.
What is erosion?
Explain one similarity and one difference between a seamount and a volcano.
What is similarity = both volcanoes (mountains that erupt magma) difference = seamount is underwater, volcano is on ground
High tide is... Low tide is...
What is when water is at its highest point and when water is at its lowest point.
Water-filled spaces between barrier islands.
What is inlets?
High and low tide occurs ____________ times a day.] DOUBLE THE POINTS: How many hours are between each tide?
What is 4 times a day? What is 6 hours?
Erosion is mainly caused by 4 things.
What is wind, water, ice, and gravity?
The structure that runs down the center and separates the oceans.
What is mid-ocean ridge?
Flowing streams of water moving in a specific direction in the ocean.
What is currents?
Land surrounded by water with sandy beaches.
What is barrier islands?
Estuaries are a mixture of saltwater and freshwater. Describe the water in the estuary during high tide.
What is the water is saltier because of more salt water from the ocean?
Describe and define a landslide.
What is a mass movement of land due to gravity and moisture underneath the top layer of soil?
Name two sets of oceanic and continental landforms that are comparable. (4 landforms total)
What is trench = canyon rift zone = valley mid-ocean ridge = mountain range seamount = volcanoes ocean basin/abyssal plains = plains
~~~~~~~DOUBLE THE POINTS!!!~~~~~~~ Demonstrate the motion of a wave with your hands.
What is a circular motion (up & down)?
A mixture of salt water and fresh water.
What is an estuary?
Johnny was building a sand castle. His mother told him to build it in the dry sand. He liked the wet sand better, so he built his castle there. He left for lunch and when he returned his castle was gone. What happened?
What is high tide destroyed his castle because of erosion?
Using a mountain as your example, explain weathering, erosion, and deposition.
What is rocks break off from the mountain due to temperature change and time, the rocks move down the hillside into a river, and build up the river bank?
Name the oceanic landforms in the order they could appear from one shoreline to another.
What is continental shelf, continental slope, ocean basin, seamount, trench, mid-ocean ridge, rift zone, mid-ocean ridge, ocean basin, continental slope, continental shelf?
Waves, Tides, and Currents are explained as... (in your own words)
What is waves are the movement of water, tides are the level of water on the shore, and currents are the direction of water in the ocean?
The Ocean Shore Zone may have _______________, _______________, __________, _____________, or _____________.
What is beaches, barrier islands, inlets, rivers, or estuaries?
Explain how waves, tides, and currents involve erosion and deposition.
What is waves erode sand and rocks because of repeated movement tides deposit seashells and ocean sediments when high tide and low tide cycle currents erode sand as they move along the shore