What is desalination?
The removal of salt from sea water.
What is the difference between high tide and low tide?
High tide: when the water comes far up the shore
Low tide: when the water comes a little way up the shore
What is an oceanographer?
A scientist who studies the ocean.
What is a barrier reef?
What is reverse osmosis?
A process that passes the sea water through a special permeable membrane (filter) that allows water molecules to pass through without letting the salt & other minerals pass through.
How often does a high or low tide occur each day?
2 high and 2 low each day
What is an aquanaut?
Someone that explores the ocean.
An animal made island is a _____?
Coral reef
How does salt get into the ocean?
Through the rain, the water eventually flows into the ocean, where it has nowhere to go.
Why is it important to know the range of a tidal wave?
It effects boats, buildings, the shoreline, etc. It is important to know in order to work around these things.
Why can't suba divers go very deep in the ocean?
The water pressure is to great.
The bacteria near the deep sea vent, what does it eat and why is the bacteria important?
It eats the sulfur from the deep sea vents.
The bacteria is the food source for the animals living near these vents.
Imagine if the ocean water didn't move. Why did God create ocean currents?
If the ocean didn't move it would become stagnant. All life in the ocean would die.
What are the most dangerous waves called?
How is sonar able to map the ocean floor?
It sends out sound waves and they measure the time it takes for the sound to bounce back.
What are the three types of coral reefs?
Fringing reef
Barrier reef
Name the 5 oceans.
Pacific Ocean
Atlantic Ocean
Indian Ocean
Antarctic Ocean
Arctic Ocean
Explain wave erosion.
Wave erosion occurs when land is gradually worn away.
Name the four ocean zones.
Sunlight/Euphotic Zone
Twilight/Disphotic Zone
Midnight/Aphotic Zone
What is a deep sea vent and where is it found?
Midnight zone
It is a rift in the sea floor where two tectonic plates are moving apart. The rift fills with hot magma and the water flows down into the rift. It eventually shoots its way back to the ocean floor.