Solids, liquids, and gases are all what?
States of Matter
What's the difference between hot and cold liquids?
hot particles move faster
How are liquids and gases different?
Liquids are closer together than gases.
What is a talk move?
A sentence stem that helps us have productive and engaging discourse.
What is Ms. Paige's favorite animal?
What is matter?
a physical substance that has mass and takes up space (almost everything)
WHY do particles move faster in hot liquids?
They have more kinetic energy?
Faster particles have more what?
Kinetic energy
Why are talk moves important in science specifically?
They help us share our science thinking.
What is one of Ms. Paige's hobbies?
Painting, drawing, acting, etc.
something that we change in an experiment
An independent variable
What is one cup feature that is important for keeping drinks hot or cold?
the lid, the walls (double layer), opening style, straw type, etc.
Energy likes to travel from what to what?
Hot to Cold
Why are talk moves important?
They let us have engaging and productive discourse in and outside of science.
How many siblings does Ms. Paige have?
What is a system?
a group of parts working together
How does the temperature of the liquid on the outside of the cup affect the liquid inside the cup?
if the outside is hot, it will warm up the inside, and if the outside it cold, it will cool down the inside.
A closed system means no ____________ can enter or leave.
Give me an example of an "add on" talk move used in a sentence?
many answers
What is Ms. Paige's Favorite color?
Marigold (will accept yellow or orange)
What is a form of heating through movement of a liquid or gas (boiling water on the stove)
What does the lid do to the liquid in a cup over time?
The lid prevents the evaporation from leaving.
What did James Joule invent?
A machine that monitored liquid temp through movement.
Give me an example of an "answering with evidence" talk move used in a sentence
many answers
Where did Ms. Paige go to college?
Eastern Michigan University