What is happening outside at a given moment.
What is Weather?
Climate changes depends on...
What is where in the world you are located?
The study of climate.
What is Climatology?
The impact of one of these space objects is believed to have contributed to the extinction of the dinosaurs.
What is a meteor/asteroid?
This natural event involving molten rock and ash can release particles that temporarily cool Earth’s climate.
What is a volcanic eruption?
What is the reflection of the Sun’s energy back into Earth’s atmosphere by greenhouse gases?
What is characteristic that helps an organism survive in its environment?
Meaning of Anthropogenic
What is Human Caused?
What is natural and human causes?
This imaginary line at 0° latitude receives the most direct sunlight year-round.
What is the equator?
Climate Change is...
What is the changing of long-term patterns of weather?
Humans rely on these two things for a habitable climate.
What are the Sun and Earth's systems?
This frozen part of Earth helps regulate temperature by reflecting sunlight.
What is ice?
Renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and hydro can replace this energy source responsible for high carbon emissions.
What are fossil fuels?
2 climate monitoring technologies
What are weather radars, satellites, and computer modeling?
Farmers must adapt their practices, including irrigation and pest management, due to this environmental shift.
What is climate change?
This human activity, associated with factories and fossil fuel burning, increases greenhouse gas emissions.
What is industrialization?
These ancient ice layers help scientists study past climate conditions.
What are ice cores?
Scientists and Indigenous Knowledge Keepers often work together to track climate changes in these local ecosystems.
What are forests, oceans, and the Arctic?
Changing weather patterns can disrupt this type of animal movement, essential for survival.
What is migration?
The 3 greenhouse gases
What is carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane?
One geographical location factors that affect climate
What is latitude, proximity to a large body of water, and elevation?
Rising temperatures can cause more frequent and intense outbreaks of these events, leading to loss of food and water.
What are droughts?
Changes in rainfall and temperature affect global food production, increasing the risk of this crisis.
What is food insecurity?
This type of farming, which avoids synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, is seen as a more sustainable way to produce food.
What is organic farming?