What is the difference between weather and climate?
Weather - what is happening in the atmosphere (sky) on a given day. It changes daily and hourly.
Climate - weather patterns or type of weather experienced in an area or region over many years (at least 30 years or more).
Air moves from areas of _____ pressure to areas of ____ pressure. This creates _____!
High to Low.
What is the name of the weather tool that measures air pressure?
We live in the _______ climate zone
What is a cloud?
A mass of tiny water droplets or ice crystals up in the sky
What is the job title of a person who studies the air and uses data from satellites, supercomputers and RADAR to predict the weather?
What are two ways that knowing the weather forecast can help people plan ahead for their day?
Any two of the following:
- Determining what clothing to wear
- Determining how to travel (walk, bike, drive, use public transit, etc.)
- Determining if it is safe to drive (is it too icy? foggy? etc.)
- Determining if activities will go on or not (soccer games, marathons, stargazing, etc.)
What is a hygrometer?
A weather tool that measures humidity
What are three of the ways in which knowing about a region’s climate helps people with planning?
Any three of the following answers:
- Agriculture (when & what type of crops to plant)
- Infrastructure (buildings and access to tools)
- Clothing to wear
- Transportation
- Recreation
Why is crop rotation important?
Instead of planting the same crop in the same place every year, farmers switch and plant different crops in different spots. This helps the soil stay healthy, prevents disease, helps stop weeds and makes sure the land stays strong for a long time.
What is the name for water (moisture) that falls from the sky in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail?
What are three ways that we can check the weather conditions?
Three of any of the following methods:
- Looking outside
- Using weather apps
- Searching on weather websites
- Watching news (weather report)
- Listening to radio (weather report)
- Looking at weather maps
An ___________ is a weather tool that measures wind speed.
What is one method that Indigenous groups used to/still use to predict climate patterns?
Any of the following methods:
- Observing patterns in nature
- Lakes and rivers freeze later and thaw earlier
- Certain plants/flowers bloom earlier than
others to signify the change from winter to
spring (ex: the crocus)
- Observing patterns in animal behaviour
- Migratory animals change their timing or
- Some animals fur changes colour to blend
into their environment.
- Muskrats will build their lodges higher and
fuller if they believe it will be a long winter.
The Indigenous method of planting corn, beans, and squash (the three sisters) together to help each other grow is a prime example of ___________ ___________.
Companion Planting
What is Humidity and what is it measured in?
Humidity is how much water or water vapour is in the air. It is measured by percentage.
A _________ can help us tell the temperature at any given time of day. It measures the temperature in _____ _______.
Thermometer and degrees celsius
What is a weather/wind vane?
A weather tool that determines the direction of the wind.
The three main climate zones are...
Polar, Temperate, and Tropical
The three factors that affect air pressure are...
Altitude, temperature, and moisture/water vapour
_________ is what happens when wind or water causes rocks and soil to wear away or break down
Name at least three of the six things that can cause changes in weather.
Three of any of the following:
- Temperature
- Wind speed and direction
- Amount of sunlight
- Precipitation
- Humidity
- Cloud cover
Some Indigenous groups believe that _________ predict weather will be cold, windy & that moisture is in the air
What are at least three ways that climate affects animals?
Any three of the following answers:
- How they find food
- Migration patterns
- Timing of reproduction (when they have babies)
- Colour changes
- Growing a winter coat of fur
- Hibernation
- Building homes
What are the 4 factors that determine climate?
Geographical location, landforms, altitude/elevation, and closeness to large bodies of water.