Story Points
It's not my "fault"
Communication and Travel
Earthquake facts

This character lives in Chinatown, enjoys reading comic books, and is friends with Henry.

Who is Chin?


This is the name of the fault line that runs through California.

What is the San Andreas Fault?


This device changed technology because it was the first "instant text message."

What is the telegraph?


This is the term for fear and hatred of outsiders.

What is xenophobia?


This technique is mostly used in Chinese architecture, in which wooden brackets are stacked on top of each other to absorb shock during an earthquake.

What is dougong?


This character lives in Chinatown, is a butcher, and carries Ah Sing on his back after an injury.

Who is Ah Quon?


This is the type of fault where two plates move side by side against each other. This fault causes the most earthquakes.

What is a transform fault?


This communication method went out of business because of a new technological advancement for sending messages.

What is the pony express?


This term means that instead of just not being racist, you are actively against racism and educate others on being inclusive and kind.

What is anti-racism?


This is the best guess for what the 1906 earthquake was rated on the Richter scale.

What is 7.9-8.2? (if you guessed a number in this range, it is correct)


This is what the army came into the city to deal with, instead of fires and suffering people.

What are looters?


This is the type of fault where two plates slide into each other, with one eventually sliding underneath the other. This fault makes mountains.

What is a convergent fault?


Many Chinese Americans fled from San Francisco to this city after the earthquake.

What is Oakland?

San Francisco city officials tried to relocate this neighborhood because of valuable land. Or racism. Actually both of them.

What is Chinatown?


This process happens when an earthquake causes stress on the soil and it acts as a liquid, swallowing up wreckage.

What is liquefaction?


This reason causes Chin to see his father as a hero.

His father saves him from getting trampled by a bull.


This fault happens when two plates slide away from each other, creating canyons and deep valleys.

What is a divergent fault?


This secret language was used to send telegrams to others.

What is Morse code?

Countries that don't have this typically see more damage than the United States after an earthquake.

Money or resources.


This earthquake protection device requires two plates which slide against each other and move with the Earth, absorbing shock and lessening breakage.

What is a pendulum base bearing?


This is something that Chin hides under his mattress. (Give the name that the parents use for this)

What are Penny dreadfuls?


This is the type of crust that exists underwater.

What is oceanic crust?


In order to fight relocation out of Chinatown, a newspaper suggested that people do these 3 things (name TWO)

1. Hire lawyers

2. Sign leases with white landlords

3. Start rebuilding the city without permission


This term for equal treatment is shown through the example:

1. Every person gets the same exact height stool even though everyone is a different height and some still won't be able to see above the fence.

What is equality?


This earthquake protection device is a heavy weighted ball that sits at the top of the building to move weight into the center of the building, stopping shaking.

What is a tuned mass damper?
