A land area water flows across on its way to a single collection place.
Wood is considered a renewable resource because...
Trees can be replaced
True or false: Fossil fuels do not harm the environment.
True or False: There are many ways to conserve energy.
Wind turbines collect...
The wind's mechanical energy
A cultivated forest is...
Trees planted by humans
Resources that are replaced naturally and can be replaced are...
This is found deep underground and are formed from decayed plants and animals.
Fossil Fuels
What is one way you can conserve energy when you take a shower?
Take shorter showers.
The panels that you can put on a roof is called...
Solar panels
The 4 rivers in Virginia are.
Potomac, Rappahannock, York, and James River
Some examples of a renewable resource are...
Wind, Water, Solar, Thermal
What are the three examples of fossil fuels?
Petroleum, Coal, and Natural Gas.
Conservation means
To save
A dam is used for...
Hydroelectric energy or mechanical energy using water
Plants hold soil in place to reduce erosion, which helps to improve...
Water Quality
Hydroelectric means...
What are some examples of harmful consequences of nonrenewable energy?
Air and water pollution, wildlife loss, and habitat loss.
Turning off the lights when you do not need them helps with...
Saving the energy that is used to keep the lights on
True or false: These advances in technology are helping to conserve energy.
What does the phrase "We all live downstream" mean?
Our water quality is dependent on what happens to the water upstream.
What is mechanical energy and Which two resources use this?
Movement energy and Wind or Water
What makes fossil fuels nonrenewable?
It takes millions of years to form again
List two ways that you can conserve energy
Ride a bike, walk, turn off lights, adjust the thermostat, unplug your electronics when not in use, etc.
Name 3 advances in technology that are used today.
Wind mills, Solar panels, Dams/ Hydroelectric, Improvements on cars, Thermal energy.